Wednesday, May 11, 2011

jennette mccurdy and nathan kress 2011. Cosgrove and Nathan Kress

  • Cosgrove and Nathan Kress

  • Winni
    Apr 6, 03:44 AM
    In other words, you couldn't port Linux to the iPhone if you wanted to.

    I'm sorry to rain on your parade, but they already have ported it:

    Android is just another customized Linux, and the iDroid project ports Android to Apple's iGadgets.

    jennette mccurdy and nathan kress 2011. nathan kress and miranda
  • nathan kress and miranda

  • ChazUK
    Apr 18, 03:39 PM
    Apple scared of the competition and trying to sue them.

    No. They're protecting their IP.

    jennette mccurdy and nathan kress 2011. jennette mccurdy nathan
  • jennette mccurdy nathan

  • Multimedia
    Aug 3, 08:55 AM
    > btw< the macbook pro im using runs at 2.33Ghz. :DI misunderstood the context. Sorry. It's Steve saying that in the SteveNote. My bad. :) :o

    jennette mccurdy and nathan kress 2011. Jennette McCurdy and Nathan
  • Jennette McCurdy and Nathan

  • Funkymonk
    Apr 5, 06:03 PM
    still being nazis as usual...

    jennette mccurdy and nathan kress 2011. Nathan Kress picture gallery
  • Nathan Kress picture gallery

  • wacky4alanis
    Jan 12, 08:56 AM
    Little problem with my TT car kit. My iPhone no longer automatically pairs with the car kit when I plug it in. I use to be able to turn BT on and plug it in the TT kit and it would pair in a few seconds. Now I have to manually pair the two by going into the BT settings on the iPhone.

    Anyone else with this problem?

    Not yet... I get a little beep and they are paired within a few seconds.

    jennette mccurdy and nathan kress 2011. Jennette McCurdy, Daniel Booko
  • Jennette McCurdy, Daniel Booko

  • Piggie
    Apr 25, 09:08 AM
    I never understand these things.

    It's like asking a burger "did you steal anything?"

    The answer will either be silence or it will be no.

    Even if Apple were using and collecting tracking locations to build up databases of customer movements, they are not going to shout "YES WE ARE TRACKING PEOPLE"

    It's just a silly question to ask, what do you think they will say?

    If Apple want to be seen to be squeaky they have a simple answer, put a setting in the iDevices options to turn off location tracking/storage.

    jennette mccurdy and nathan kress 2011. Still of Nathan Kress,
  • Still of Nathan Kress,

  • Frobozz
    May 4, 03:31 PM
    I wish all software was handled through a single entry point, like the App Store. That way updates are handled through it, instead of a series of unrelated and often annoying separate updaters. Never understood why this wasn't more of a priority 5+ years ago, even.

    jennette mccurdy and nathan kress 2011. Picket (Jennette McCurdy)
  • Picket (Jennette McCurdy)

  • cr2sh
    Nov 22, 01:59 PM
    Apple is partnering with an air-time provider so they will not get to keep much of the per-month fee, they will have to make money up front with hardware sales unless they can offer some non airtime monthly service like .mac

    No. I don't see apple "partnering" with anyone. This will be an Apple phone... the carriers will line up to sell the next hot thing. If Apple "partners" with Cingular.. the phone loses part of its apple identity... I don't see it happening. Plus it invites someone else to the table.. I don't understand why Apple would do this.

    Ah gotcha, with the max/min talk. NM.

    jennette mccurdy and nathan kress 2011. nathan kress and jennette
  • nathan kress and jennette

  • aohus
    Apr 18, 03:54 PM
    shame really that Apple is resorting to Microsoft-esque tactics. If you can't beat em, just sue em, mentality.

    Thats like saying that Coca-Cola should sue Pepsi

    Xerox PARC should have aggressively sued Apple when the GUI was becoming commercialized.

    NO, Apple did not invent the first GUI Operating System. Xerox made the first GUI in their Alto systems. Xerox only sued (late for that matter) when Apple sued Microsoft for their GUI OS (Windows).

    jennette mccurdy and nathan kress 2011. Back to Jennette McCurdy vs.
  • Back to Jennette McCurdy vs.

  • goobot
    Apr 7, 10:29 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    iPad 3 to be a small update like iPad 2? I wouldn't doubt it with the lack of competition.

    jennette mccurdy and nathan kress 2011. McCurdy and Nathan Kress
  • McCurdy and Nathan Kress

  • SandynJosh
    Nov 23, 12:05 PM
    Apple learned that with their old music player, you know the one before the iPod, oh wait there wasn't one...

    Oh yah, there was one. It was a CD player that was soooo bad hardy a soul bought it and it's barely remembered. I think it happened while Steve was at Next abd the idjuts were in control of of Apple. It may have set a record for a short lifespan, not counting Microsoft's vaporware that was never spawned.

    jennette mccurdy and nathan kress 2011. McCurdy and Nathan Kress.
  • McCurdy and Nathan Kress.

  • kainjow
    Nov 26, 10:27 AM
    If I could just have a Mac tablet that I could type and write notes on for class, I'd be in heaven :)

    jennette mccurdy and nathan kress 2011. Jennette McCurdy e Nathan
  • Jennette McCurdy e Nathan

  • iBug2
    May 4, 03:43 PM
    what makes you think that you can copy it to a USB drive or disc? I have disc for Tiger, Leopard, and Snow Leopard. None of those disc can be copied, some of them can only be used on their original machine (or the exact model). the past 3 OSes can't be copied, and so far there's nothing to suggest we can just make backup copies of Lion.

    All OS's can be copied. I copied all my Leopard Tiger original discs without any issues. Also the current Lion previews can be copied as many times as you want to.

    jennette mccurdy and nathan kress 2011. Or jennette mccurdyaug
  • Or jennette mccurdyaug

  • clank72
    Mar 29, 04:20 PM
    Hard for me, even as an Apple fan, to weep too much for a company that chooses to do business overseas isntead of here in America, employing Americans.

    No way. With the cost of employment here in America these Apple products would not be possible. We should be thankful.

    jennette mccurdy and nathan kress 2011. Jennette McCurdy, Nathan
  • Jennette McCurdy, Nathan

  • iliketyla
    Mar 29, 02:11 PM
    Are you serious? who cares about ipods & battery shortages when there is a crysis =/..

    No one is trying to trivialize the tragedy bud, just giving reasoning for a shortage.

    jennette mccurdy and nathan kress 2011. tagged Jennette McCurdy Nathan
  • tagged Jennette McCurdy Nathan

  • mcarnes
    Jul 21, 02:01 PM
    Sheesh. This is a 180 from waiting for G5 updates.

    jennette mccurdy and nathan kress 2011. and jennette mccurdy 2011,
  • and jennette mccurdy 2011,

  • syklee26
    Sep 15, 06:54 PM
    just remember everyone...

    all the rumor sits speculated the 23" imac (really 24") would be revealed at the "Showtime" event. apple fooled them all and released it a week early!

    let's hope the same thing happens for our mbp's. here's to next tuesday! :D

    if you want a completely new MBP, then i don't think u would want that to be released on next Tuesday because if they do quiet update, u won't see changes.

    jennette mccurdy and nathan kress 2011. Nathan Kress, Jennette McCurdy
  • Nathan Kress, Jennette McCurdy

  • adbe
    Mar 26, 10:42 PM

    What am I supposed to do when my contract ends this July!?

    You do realize you don't have to renew the contract right? AT&T will be more than happy to keep taking your money until such time as you feel ready to sign a new one.

    jennette mccurdy and nathan kress 2011. The Winner of the 2011 BTR KCA
  • The Winner of the 2011 BTR KCA

  • Plutonius
    May 5, 11:11 AM
    Wilmer will be missed but he was slowing us down with his incessant blather. I'm starting to get hungry so let's try to find a kitchen in this dump so the wizard can make us sandwiches.

    Vote - Move to the next room (take Wilmer's body along with us).

    Apr 23, 06:08 PM
    Finally a screen quality on my MBP to rival that of my iP4! Hopefully the next MBP refresh will bring these retina displays!!!

    Aug 4, 08:33 AM
    What is really going to help merom on the Mac are the SSE units. It has three to yonah's one . Mac OS X makes a lot better use of SIMD units than windows.

    Dell and the others will still ship a ton of products but with the slower Celerons and the equiv AMD.

    The 400 series celerons aren't that slow. They're more or less a Core Solo with a smaller cache.

    Apr 5, 04:39 PM
    Don't really like the theme, personally...

    May 6, 05:40 AM
    My bet is they have BOTH on board.

    Apr 20, 08:51 AM
    Probably because it's the 5th iPhone?

    ...but only the 3rd generation.

    Regardless, there's no question mark at the end of this headline. This is serious, people.