Sunday, May 15, 2011

six flags magic mountain map

six flags magic mountain map. six flags magic mountain map

  • six flags magic mountain map

  • seedster2
    Apr 25, 09:57 AM
    Call me naive (or perhaps paranoid) but I've been assuming my location is being tracked since I bought my first smart phone years ago.

    I never understand these things.

    It's like asking a burger "did you steal anything?"

    The answer will either be silence or it will be no.

    Even if Apple were using and collecting tracking locations to build up databases of customer movements, they are not going to shout "YES WE ARE TRACKING PEOPLE"

    It's just a silly question to ask, what do you think they will say?

    If Apple want to be seen to be squeaky they have a simple answer, put a setting in the iDevices options to turn off location tracking/storage.

    Pretty much sums it up. I knew these companies would be gathering information for advertising or marketing purposes long ago. I dont care what snarky answer SJ provides, I will assume they are collecting the data and move on with my life. Apple and Google are both for profit corporations so I Im not foolish enough to think one is more honorable than the other.

    six flags magic mountain map. six flags magic mountain map
  • six flags magic mountain map

  • rjohnstone
    Apr 26, 02:24 PM
    Apple is for people who like quality high-end stuff and Android is for Kmart shoppers ;)
    I feel sorry for you if you actually believe that.

    six flags magic mountain map. six flags magic mountain map
  • six flags magic mountain map

  • iBug2
    Mar 30, 08:24 PM
    That's why they are, little by little, switching into the iOS experience... I'm quite inclined towards Lion being the last OS X version where the user will still be able to install applications on its own. The next one... I'm afraid... will be fully AppStore oriented... and that's when we will see the first jailbroken computers in history :D

    No, there's some more time for that one. But trust me, in our lifetime, we will witness a true closed PC marketspace, for all OS's, not just Mac OS. But those devices won't be called PC's anymore. The entire industry will go there, not just Apple. In 15 years or so, our whole computing will be done on the cloud and we will only have consoles at home, not CPU's. Many things will change. So being afraid of it is in vain.

    six flags magic mountain map. six flags magic mountain map.
  • six flags magic mountain map.

  • Akme
    Mar 30, 08:30 PM
    Can someone confirm if this preview can be installed on MBP 2011?

    Installed fine on mine.

    six flags magic mountain map. -six-flags-magic-mountain-
  • -six-flags-magic-mountain-

  • longofest
    Aug 11, 08:57 AM
    In other words, G5 PowerBooks next tuesday ;)

    six flags magic mountain map. six flags magic mountain map
  • six flags magic mountain map

  • gadget123
    Apr 20, 02:03 PM
    They don't have to do squat really. They can just call it the iPhone 5 and people would still buy it if it only had a slightly better camera in it.

    Well exactly the 3G > 3GS update was minor so the 4/5 will be too.

    Anybody expecting a total redesign in Iphone 5 may feel let down. Many people prefer the Iphone 4 design and I'd rather not see them go back to the older design.

    six flags magic mountain map. six flags magic mountain map
  • six flags magic mountain map

  • huntercr
    May 7, 06:46 PM
    I wouldn't mind if they offered a free "basic" email service with some and iDisk stuff thrown in to compete with Google and Microsoft. I just hope they beef up the Pro service to make it worth it. Microsoft currently gives like 25GB away with SkyDrive for free and has like 10GB email storage (at least for students, I don't know if that's standard for Live).

    Having to split 20GB between iDisk and email when I'm paying $70/year just sucks, to be honest.

    So yeah, they can open a free version (with limited syncing capabilities and storage) that's ad-supported... I'd be fine with that. As long as they make the Pro version ad-free with more features than the free.

    Why don't you use gmail for your email and allocate all your storage space to idisk? That's what I do.

    six flags magic mountain map. six flags magic mountain map
  • six flags magic mountain map

  • firestarter
    Mar 29, 08:41 AM
    Seems strange that they're not rolling this out to iDevices. I can't see them having to hand over 30% of the revenue to Apple - this looks like more of a Dropbox competitor.

    Possibly Apple's launch of a competitor is imminent, and Amazon just doesn't think that they can compete on Apple's home turf?

    I hope this is true. Could be quite useful.

    six flags magic mountain map. six flags magic mountain map
  • six flags magic mountain map

  • -aggie-
    May 4, 09:38 AM
    Alright, i am getting bored of listening to my beard growing, so i'll go ahead:

    R1T1: Loras group explores the start room.

    with raven's latest explanation of the trap rule, there is no significant difference between explore-move and move-explore, and i decided to be conservative in case the jokesters upstairs put a trap right away at the start.

    at level one we are very weak and any encounter with a trap or lowest-level monster means certain death for at least one of us. we need to uplevel asap.

    Splain please.

    six flags magic mountain map. Six Flags Magic Mountain
  • Six Flags Magic Mountain

  • Chris.L
    Nov 6, 12:01 PM
    Blah blah blah. Lack of AV software makes Macs very unattractive to business settings.

    One of the barriers to integrating Macs into corporate and business environments is the lack of anti-virus tools. Yeah, you can dismiss this as FUD (and maybe there's some truth to that) but the fact remains--someday, one way or another, there will be a Mac OS X virus. I defy you to find one IT dept. in the country that wants to be caught off-guard by that. If you're going to have Macs in a business environment, the IT staff needs to know that they're protected in the event of an OS X virus outbreak. Whether any OS X viruses exist now or not and whether AV companies are trying to sell products with FUD is irrelevant in that context.

    Those of you who want to see wider adoption of Macs in business environments ought to be happy to see this kind of thing showing up, regardless of whether you personally need it or not.

    Agree completely.

    And not just any old AV solution either something with a respected name and centrally managed. Something that will be a requirement for any half decent IT Dept/Corporate. How if I could just get a VMware client for OS X I could ditch my work HP. Oh, and a docking station...

    I have had this installed since release day, and I can honestly say it hasn't slowed my MBP at all. I would actually forget it was there at all except for the little icon at the top.

    six flags magic mountain map. six flags magic mountain map
  • six flags magic mountain map

  • Shivetya
    May 4, 05:13 PM
    Just as long as they don't make it the preferred method for others to distribute software or it to become the only way. They can distribute their software how they like

    The day I can only get apps via the App store is the last day I use my Mac

    six flags magic mountain map. six flags magic mountain park
  • six flags magic mountain park

  • JesterJJZ
    Apr 21, 04:52 PM
    Here's a quick scale / mockup

    Does not like.

    six flags magic mountain map. random image
  • random image

  • gglockner
    May 6, 12:45 AM
    I cannot believe that Apple would replace Intel with ARM. It would be a setback to the Mac: virtually everything would become incompatible once again. Remember how long it took the larger developers to create Universal versions of applications: Microsoft Office and Adobe CS.

    The previous two transitions (680x0 -> PPC and PPC -> x86) weren't so painful if for no other reason than the install base was far smaller.

    And putting ARM as a secondary processor so that Macs can run iOS apps? There's absolutely no need - x86 Macs can already run iOS apps well inside the iPhone emulator that comes with Xcode. The x86 processors are more than capable of emulating an ARM processor.

    six flags magic mountain map. six flags magic mountain map
  • six flags magic mountain map

  • Piggie
    Apr 24, 08:49 AM
    lol both of you guys, its called the iPad... by the way Apple made it very clear that touchscreen laptops dont work well.

    No, he's talking about the drawing that shows something like a 24" iMac than can be swivelled down on your desktop from it's normal upright position to a slightly inclined position (like an iPad on it's new triangle smart cover back rest) and then you lift your arms up and use the 24" screen like an iPad.

    Seems such a bad idea.

    I like the idea of a giant touch screen in the surface of a desk, for some uses, but I'm really unsure about swinging an iMac screen around and sticking your hands all over it.

    This image here:

    six flags magic mountain map. six flags magic mountain map
  • six flags magic mountain map

  • Popeye206
    Apr 7, 10:54 AM
    All hail Tim Cook!

    Seriously though, I think people are going to be surprised at how well RIM rebounds. Not that they are going to stop or even slow the iPad or iPhone train, but I will surprised if they don't carve themselves out a pretty good niche.

    They're a much more resilient company than that for which they are given credit. Do some serious research into the company as though you were looking to invest, and you'll find out that they got a little too complacent for a time, but they have some vision that will surprise people in the coming years.

    RIM can be a serious player again. They have the name and the resources as well as the most experience in the corporate world with mobile communications. But, they are loosing ground to Apple and Google based equipment faster than you can shake a stick and they don't seem to be using all their resources very well at this time.

    six flags magic mountain map. Six Flags Magic Mountain,
  • Six Flags Magic Mountain,

  • lilo777
    Mar 29, 10:42 AM
    And Amazon thinks crippling ioS compatibility will be good business? FAIL.

    I agree. I am absolutely convinced that Amazon's decision has nothing to do with the fact that their new cloud service gives free storage for MP3 files purchased from Amazon. Those idiots at Amazon probably still think that iOS is a close ecosystem where Apple restricts competitors in order to be able to rip off their loyal customer base.

    six flags magic mountain map. Six Flags Magic Mountain
  • Six Flags Magic Mountain

  • MythicFrost
    Apr 24, 08:07 AM
    This would be awesome. It'd drastically reduce the need for AA and allow for much more detailed textures :D

    Would need some horse power though... even a GTX 580 would struggle at that resolution on max with Metro 2033 :p

    six flags magic mountain map. six flags magic mountain map
  • six flags magic mountain map

  • Neo Utopia
    Apr 24, 07:08 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Can't wait, a MBA with double the res, drawl.

    six flags magic mountain map. six flags magic mountain map
  • six flags magic mountain map

  • jrtc27
    May 6, 02:46 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    Please Apple, don't do this. You are just finishing the transition from PowerPC to Intel by removing Rosetta from Lion and you're already planning on switching architectures again. Are they TRYING to fragment their Macs?

    May 6, 03:33 AM
    Not this again! welcome back stupid universal binaries and "rosetta" :(

    Apr 26, 03:41 PM
    In related news, all models of Ford vehicles combined outsold the toyota prius.

    Film at 11.

    Apr 5, 08:55 PM
    It's a terrible theme anyways. Who cares.

    Nov 22, 06:12 AM
    No, the rumor mill has been grinding on the iPhone for several years. Apple hasn't necessarily been working on it for that long.
    I do think I remember an interview with an Apple of official where the interviewer asked something about a possible Apple iPhone and got a reply claiming that Apple haven't been sitting idle.
    I have no doubt that Apple have been working on this for years. The problem is that Apple has a lot to live up to when it comes to design and GUI. They just can't afford another Rokr fiasco.

    Apr 21, 04:00 PM
    Generally there is little NEED to use Macs in a server environment as its pretty much always possible to do it with Linux, and some cases Windows. I'm not denying that it has its uses, but the size of this market has made it impractical.

    How is the so-called "Pro" market larger or more worthy than the IT/enterprise market? "Pro" users didn't sustain the Xserve sales any more than enterprise. Xserve was not just a server box.

    I manage 600+ Mac workstations, and I can do so from 2 or 3 Mac OS X Servers, using services which are either not available or impractical to build and maintain on Linux and Windows, such as NetBoot, MCX and Apple SUS. Our "Pro" users would be single digits.