Donald+trump+youngest+sonI'd like to make sure of some things.
The villain started with 0 points. He then earned 2 points by taking two turns.
We did our thing
He took two more turns earning 2 more points for 4 total. He obviously used at least one point to make a goblin. So he had 3 or less points, depending on whether he bought more traps. They could be anywhere, even far from where we currently are (e.g., he could be putting defenses around his lair. )
Do I have that straight?
You got all that correct.
Donald+trump+youngest+sonWhat's with everybody thinking this will be too US centric? I'm guessing a possible music download service will be USA only at first, but in all honesty the European and Asian cell phone markets are about 3 years ahead of the US as far as technology goes. Chances are, Apple will make it a GSM technology phone, which is actually quite international!
Even so, the USA is in dire need of a decent cell phone. The fact that the Razr is so popular says it all. The Razr is a terrible phone (along with most other Motorolas for that matter). And the rest of the selection available is pretty sad too!
Personally I'm hoping for a smart phone of some sort, preferably with a full qwerty keyboard. But I'm not holding my breath.
donald trump daughter wedding.The entire idea of restoring from a Time Machine backup has always been illogical to me.
If Time Machine backs up everything, then it backs up whatever problems you had that resulted in your need for restore.
Time Machine has limited real use, and its basically limited to accidentally deleting things.
IT's very logaical. You do realize that Time Machine gives you a choice to restore from a range of backups, so whichever backup was ok you can restore from that one and if you broke something and after that OS was unbootable usually it's enough to restore from a backup few hours older at worst few days.
donald trump daughter pregnantRodimus Prime
Mar 28, 11:22 AM
You're missing something here.... The iPhone actually gets updates over its lifespan rather than promises of updates followed up by the requirement to buy a new phone in order to install the latest version of an open Android operating system on a closed manufacturer's phone. All-to-frequent updates make buyers feel like they have been tricked, especially when they cannot upgrade their phone to do the same things the new phones are doing because the manufacturer prevents it.
Not to mention that most folks have 2 year contracts and don't like to pay the penalty to upgrade early. The notion that 15 months between upgrades (not 18 months -- if you are counting June 2010 to September 2011) is not bad at all -- especially to the masses who are not early adopters. The iPhone 4 is still holding its own against the competition and its better than it was when it released because of software upgrades. It still does many things better than phones that have released since (like take better photos). Heck, I am still using my iPhone 3GS and I still love it because it gets new features every few months and has even improved on performance.
Do I think a dual-core 1Gz iPhone with 1GB of RAM would stack up better statistically against the competition? Yes. Do I think that phone will do more things and be faster? Yes. Do I think 3 months will matter all that much in the long run? No. If it means some vast improvements are coming (including LTE) -- then I am willing to wait 3 months.
Might like to point out that part of the problem with Android updates is not the manufactures but the Carriers.
AT&T being by far the worse offenders. If AT&T had its way the iPhone would never get more than security updates. To upgrade your OS you would have to buy a new phone.
This is no were more apparent that looking no farther than the GalaxyS phones. AT&T GalaxyS phone (Captivate) still is waiting on its Android 2.2 update when over seas it is already getting its Android 2.3 updated. Clearly it is not the manufacture causing problems but the carrier.
I hope the manufactures start taking a cue from Apple and MS to say screw the carriers and start supply updates for their phones. No more blocking the updates from the carriers.
Apple is about the only company that can get away with the delay. Most others would be fried for it. iPhone is already starting to show its age and delaying it longer will only make it worse.
donald trump daughter weddingHe has come down from the mountain, he has spoken. Please return to your huts.
Hmm, if this is such a security hole why doesn't some smart guy break into Steve's phone and figure out just where he is?
donald trump young. is donaldWhy has it taken them so long to embrace HD????!! And no... 720p is not the standard...
donald trump daughter wedding.decimortis
Apr 25, 08:59 AM
It's a non-issue.
Sent from your iPhone.
Donald+trump+youngest+sonOld news. I knew this three weeks ago and I send an anonymous email to these idiots and of course they ignored it
Apr 18, 03:24 PM
Have you looked at the TouchWiz UI? It's almost identical to iOS - dock at the bottom, pages of icons in a grid and you even remove applications in the same way as you do on the iPhone. I've nothing at all against competition for iOS, but they shouldn't just rip the design off
Yeah that looks similar, I was referring to the tablet/honeycomb.
donald trump healthcarejayducharme
Apr 24, 03:06 PM
Uhmm, how about 640x480? Or less, with the vic 20.
I had an early PC that sported an amazing 16 color resolution at 320x240. When I later upgraded to 256 colors, I was convinced that computers were the ultimate multimedia machine.
Donald Trump Daughter PregnantFree services are worth every cent you pay.
For those that whine about the price just try to get a legitimate IMAP email service for under $100 a year. Gmail and hotmail don't count, as by legitimate I mean that your address doesn't automatically make people think of SPAM. Free email equals source of SPAM.
Added all up and mix in its integration with Mac, Iphone and iApps Mobile me is a steal at less than $6 a month.
Oh and a two letter email address is priceless.
Now if they just made syncing and find my iPhone free with the full service as an paid upgrade. sort of a freemium model. that could work.
donald trump daughter withplanetdom
Apr 22, 04:22 PM
I dont understand why some people say the mac pro is for pro users only?when i wanted to buy a Mac i brought a Mac Pro because i didnt like the IMac because of the glossy screen and the way it is all in one unit if the screen packs up then bye bye mac,then i thought of the Mac Mini,that was a no because it doesnt have enough power...
Then i dont understand why some people have to say the mac pro is a old design ok so the out side hasnt changed much maybe a few things like an extra optical drive and different ports,but the inside has changed a lot compared to the older mac pros much more cleaner than befour...
I think it would be a shame to completely changed the design of the Mac Pro as it still is far much better than any PC design i have ever seen,maybe make the air holes smaller but thats all,i think the Mac Pro design still has a lot of life in it........I am not a pro user........
Life donald ofearly lifeWe may need a woman in charge, because Lord knows none of the men will ask for directions. ;)
That is what a GPS is for babe!;)
donald trump youngest son.I'd think we'd want to explore this room.
Gotcha. just wanted exploring the hallway was one of the choices. I'm all for exploring the hallway.
Donald Trump : There must be aIt will do everything Macs currently do (having the same power of a macbook); however it will really inspire people to use an iTV and the iTunes music store. It will just make it all so easy.
You will be able to show guests your iPhoto gallery directly on the pad or send it to your TV through your iTV at the touch of a button. Home movies or movie downloads will at your fingertips. No need to go cue them up in your den or office. Apple will try to make computer an integral part of your at home lifestyle whatever room you're in.
Out of interest - and since you already use a computer near your TV :). If a tablet can do everything you describe EXCEPT be a regular Mac too, would it still be of interest?
ie: If it allows you (as you say) to show guests your iPhoto gallery directly on the pad or on the TV, Home movies or downloads at your fingertips (no need to cue them in the office)... and if it costs less than half what a MacBook costs... is it still appealing?
What about if it can interface with MacMini to become a remote screen? (ie: do everything you say, but only when in the house)
Mar 29, 12:19 PM
Yo! check out this key clause to Amazon's Terms Of Use >
5.2.Our Right to Access Your Files.
You give us the right to access, retain, use and disclose your account information and Your Files: to provide you with technical support and address technical issues; to investigate compliance with the terms of this Agreement, enforce the terms of this Agreement and protect the Service and its users from fraud or security threats; or as we determine is necessary to provide the Service or comply with applicable law.
WTF ???!!!
find more about donald trumpAs long as they show it and preview it, I'm okay with waiting. Especially if it's a redesign
Agreed. As long as the preview looks amazing, and Apple delivers, and if this is a complete revamp of iOS, then i'm all up for more waiting.
But the iPhone 5 should be released in the usual time period.
daughter of Donald TrumpIt's not scientific at all. No way in hell is it scientific. I should know, I'm a scientist, got a degree and everything.
trump wont forget daughterLOL I made my decision and am not looking back. Very happy with my setup but I find I am getting a hissing noise when hooked up using car speakers for playing music. It's a new cable and I have no idea if it's the car connection; the car kit; or the cable.
Keep me posted re ETA of BLT dock
Mar 30, 12:59 AM
Hey Apple,
I don't want my iPhone 5 to be leaking radiation...
Too soon? :cool::rolleyes:
I hope you know that cell phones emit radiation.
I dont think the world is ready for such massive resolutions. How long will it take for games to take advantage of them, and for the graphics cards that Apple sell to handle it.
I hate seeing things not at the native display resolution, it looks worse than having the graphics waaaay down to support the reso.
Firstly, your perspective would change completely if you ever decide to invest or trade. I don't want hedge funds going for more risk. That is what contributed to the housing bust and mortgage backed securities. I am completely self taught as a trader and investor. In fact, I don't know a single other person who does what I do. And when I do meet someone who works in finance, they are usually just a cog, and I have nothing in common with them.
Of course people don't "want" risk. But, again, you MISSED THE POINT. Let's try again. People want to take their savings and invest it in the safest investment with the return they desire. If US treasuries beat the stock market, no one would trade stocks If trading in established fortune 500 companies beat out riskier investments, would anyone trade riskier stocks? The answer is probably someone foolish would, but the majority will invest in the safest investment that will provide the rate of return desired. If taxes reduce the rate of return of the safer investments, people naturally begin investing in riskier propositions that have the potential to generate higher rates of return.
Have you ever represented a company so that it can sell its ownership interests to the public, or have you ever represented the investors in an IPO? Your perspective would change if you ever had. Your assumption that I don't invest is pretty silly considering just about anyone can do it.
Secondly, and more importantly, I don't think a person should have to give a good reason to be able to do anything. Unless you can prove that a person's actions causes harm to others, why attack it? How is taxing something at the same rate as other income an attack? Oh no, you're treating my capital gains income the same as everyone elses income! I'm under attack! Poor me! The government is no longer going to subsidize my gambling on the success or failure of someone else's established business. Boo hoo.
Our legal system works that way; the burden of proof is always on the accuser not the accused. Really? That's not true. What about administrative hearings where the burden is on the accused to overcome a prima facie case? (FYI, for a good example of this concept, look at the situation with the proposed rules regarding copyright owners and the presumption that you are pirating if you receive a letter from them accusing you).
Apr 10, 02:38 AM
Oh really? Wow I didn't know that... Sarcasm.
I'm talking about on a calculator. Enter it EXACTLY how it was in the OP and you'll get 288.
Again, I'd like to warn people: this is not always true. Even if you enter it exactly as above, your calculator will not always give you 288. Some will give you two. Some settings may give you two. Don't trust a calculator blindly.
I'm looking at this. But then I'm not sure.
[thread marker]
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