Hilarious Scream on Ghostrider POV @ Knott#39;s Berry Farm. Hilarious Scream on Ghostrider POV @ Knott#39;s Berry FarmDo they have more or less credibility if they spell Mac like MAC?
GhostRider. Knott#39;s Berry FarmAndroidfoLife
Apr 5, 03:45 PM
Silly people. No one OWNS an iPhone. They own the right to use the iPhone. Welcome to the new world where buying a product does not mean that you can do what you want with it. You can only do what the manufacturers say you can do with it.
Entrance to GhostRiderArtOfWarfare
Mar 26, 10:59 PM
You do realize you don't have to renew the contract right? AT&T will be more than happy to keep taking your money until such time as you feel ready to sign a new one.
How about something more along the lines of "New iPhone 5 when it's released if you agree to pay our fees for another two years"?
I guess I'm not exactly in any position to negotiate like that...
So they'll keep charging the same rates after the contract ends? And I can keep my unlimited 3G for $30 a month?
Ghostrider Reviewug, i just really hope that the imac is updated soon. i've waited all summer for the imac to be updated, and it still hasnt -- i have no computer for school this year as of now, and i'm just praying apple updates the imac before mid august. so i can have one ordered and at my house before school starts. :mad:
The Ghost Rider Rollercoaster.My thoughts exactly. Our school district (ISD 482) just bought 1,465 iPads for its students, and I can see us getting really mad if Apple were to release a new iPad 6 mos. later.
I'm not really sure Apple cares about your school district.
Way to go Ghostrider crew!
Knotts Berry Farm!Why? It�s just a reference to the battleground / spectator status of the decolonized countries during the cold war. (The "second world" being the now-defunct Soviet Bloc.)
From the almighty Wikipedia:
"French demographer, anthropologist and historian Alfred Sauvy, in an article published in the French magazine L'Observateur, August 14, 1952, coined the term Third World, referring to countries that were unaligned with either the Communist Soviet bloc or the Capitalist NATO bloc during the Cold War. His usage was a reference to the Third Estate, the commoners of France who, before and during the French Revolution, opposed priests and nobles, who composed the First Estate and Second Estate, respectively. "
Anyone who needs to quote wikipedia shouldn't be allowed to contribute!
Now thats a FACT!
Knott#39;s Berry Farm, Buena Park
GhostRider Knotts Berry Farm Filmed and Edited By Ryan Childers GhostRider opened in 1998 and is 118 feet tall with a 108 foot drop at speeds of 56mph.MacApple21
Apr 7, 10:20 AM
So, what is Apple doing with a bunch of 7" touch screens, since Jobs said "7 inch tablets are dead on arrival"?
I also don't recall RIM ever giving a date before April 19th.
Well, perhaps it's not 7" screens Apple is buying, but production capacity, which consequently hinders competitors from having their orders produced.
GhostRider photo from Knott#39;sI agree with you that the 30" display is big. I disagree with you about any larger display as being too big. It may be for you but not for others. When I first starting using my 30" display besides my 23" display I thought it was big. Using it with my 17" PowerBook even makes it seem bigger. But the only thing that could hold me back from purchasing a larger display would be the need of purchasing a new computer to be able to use 2 larger screens at the same time. My 17" PowerBook can only use one. My MDD PowerMac can only use one. But that is really a different question.
Many people seem to have tunnel vision when they use their computers & are or at least think they are happy with one 15" display. Others can see the need & usefulness of a larger display. At least you use a 30". But if Apple would have come out with a 32", 35" or larger display instead would you have purchased it the same as you did your 30" model? Then it would take a 40" or 45" display to be too larger.
With DualLink only able to support 3840 X 2400 & Single Link only able to support up to 1920 X 1200, there will be a natural size limitation until one of the new systems come around. The need probably isn't there yet, but a couple more size and/or reolution increases would change all of that.
How long do you think it will be before someone else says that his 45" display is all the larger anyone would ever need, so why make one larger? Whan I sold computers many thought that the 17" CRT was too larger, why go larger than 15"?
Bill the TaxMan
I completely get what you're saying. After using my 30" for a little over a year on a daily basis, when using any other system, it's VERY tough. And even when I am using my 30", I often crave even more real estate, especially when working with digital photos, but even when I'm just surfing the web.
But, at this point in time (2006), I think a 40"+ screen is just simply too large for the average deskspace. Perhaps there's a place for them in production studios, etc., but even with that market, which is already limited, cost is just too big of a factor. To make a panel @ 40" with a resolution of 3840x2400, or even smaller, would be ASTRONOMICAL. We're talking at least $6K for each display, and the power needed to run that doesn't yet exist. Even Quad-SLI on PC's are having trouble running games at native res. Imagine Motion (since we all know OS X isn't a gaming platform) at 3840x2400? The power just isn't there yet.
Now, I agree, larger screens are the way of the future. But I just don't think that future is here yet.
Then again, $20 says I'm wrong :).
Berry Farm#39;s GhostriderFine, but prove to me it's because of the metric system.
I don't know that it does.... I was merely rebutting the point that learning the Imperial measures gave US kids a competitive edge.
knotts berry farm 014mrblack927
Apr 21, 05:02 PM
I think the next Mac Pro refresh will be a huge milestone. Not only will it be the first case redesign in nearly a decade and add all the latest tech (USB3, sata III, thunderbolt, etc) but I believe Apple will take this opportunity to finally revise the pricing structure. Over the past few years, Apple has been making a clear shift towards the consumer market. Part of that is arguably negative ("dumbing things down") but the positive is more reasonable prices. The Mac Pro is the only computer left that hasn't been revised. My hope is that Apple will create a few models of the new Mac Pro, at least one of which is an affordable mid-range consumer tower starting under the the $2,000 mark.
Unfortunately, they will probably wait to use the new performance desktop/server sandy bridge CPUs which Intel won't have ready until Q4 2011 (or later). If that's true then we won't see these new beauties until 1H 2012. :(
Knotts Berry Farmfirestarter
Apr 21, 02:34 PM
It would be great if there was an even smaller one, now that Thunderbolt allows high speed expansion outside the box.
GhostRider Wooden Roller Coaster. Knotts Berry Farm Photo TourI dont think so, Amazon cannot get the app needed for the streaming/storing of content on your phone or tablet approved in the appstore since. It violates apples terms, if you or anyone else has an issue with it, contact apple.
Let#39;s not forget Ghost Rider.ThemacNub
Apr 10, 06:37 AM
48/2(9+3) Brackets first
48/2(12) Brackets first. Then division, multiplication, addition, subtraction
Dick and Debbie Malcolm toTequilaBoobs
Nov 22, 08:18 PM
apple knows hot to create sexy products and market a gotta-have-it item, and with the cell phone market fickle yet fervent, a brand name like apple with premium brand badging and daring design could make big waves and have their loyal fanbase purchase yet another apple product in a different arena... i think its a good risk on apples part and will probably make me shares go up.
A POV on the roller coaster Ghost Rider at Knott Berry Farm.tazinlwfl
Apr 25, 10:14 AM
Wow, I just realised I've been on this forum for quite a while.
I've been reading MacRumors since about 02 (Highschool for me)... :p
Quote: Knotts Berry Farm is aSpaceKitty
Nov 18, 05:37 PM
You are correct! We will be releasing our car kit sometime in December. It works with any iPhone GPS app, so you are not limited to just use ours! =)
Some features include:
day at Knott#39;s Berry FarmI think he means it's a speed bump in terms of sales. Not technically. Though I may have him/her wrong.
Ah, gotcha. Yeah, I could see that being the case now that you mention it.
Most of the "goodness" isn't anything a laptop user will notice.
Quite true. Again, I was speaking from a technical perspective, but practically, yes, this is quite true.
Umm..technically you are right, but the the difference of 5-15% is not very significant, especially compared to Conroe's 40% jump. Merom's power is limited by slower FSB which is not going to see any change anytime soon. I just hope they fix current MBP issues first like battery life, underclocked graphic card and Superdrives. CPU upgrade is just a ritual Apple has to perform to stay in the league.
Gotcha, and agreed - see above. ;) :D
This model promises to be one that many will pass on.
I certainly will.
Even though it's already well known that it will have a better antenna to fix the antennagate issue that most everyone denied.
The lack of a fresh new look will keep me away, especially retaining the tiny screen. Seems like Apples coasting this time around.
A faster processor? Big deal, who needs it, a waste of money just to pump up Apples coffers.
A true disappointment, this one is. I was so eager to dump my antennagate special.
This model hasn't promised anything yet because no one but Apple knows what's in store. I don't see any cosmetic changes in store, and the iPhone 4 still looks better than every handset out to date. However don't count your chickens before they hatch!
Here's another one:
Stop making phones out of effing glass!
5 people I know have had shattered glass (on either the front or the back) of their iPhone 4s less than year into ownership. It's a bloody phone -- it's not a museum piece or collectible. It's going to get used, it's going to get dropped or fall off a table occasionally, and it needs to be at least minimally able to survive a 2 year contract.
Sorry but my phone has never been dropped. Speak for yourself when you say it's going to get dropped. Not all of us are as clumsy as you and your friends apparently.
May 6, 01:02 AM
Unless ARM has something major in the works (low power, huge speed increase, flux capacitor etc) I don't understand the need to move away from Intel.
I will take this for what it's worth, a total shot in the dark from two years away. Also as long as there isn't a major issue switching architecture (PPC - Intel + Rosetta bleh) I could care less as long as Adobe can keep up. (haha, I know I know)
I know this is a rumor board, and this is just rumor. However, do other tire of these loose shots in the dark? I mean, I understand if they hear something, and want to get folks information. But why not try and do a little investigation, to be sure?
I dunno...guess I'm of the belief "I'll believe it when I see it"?
Lion is ready to Roar (almost)
Don't hold your breath, it's neutered & softened courtesy of iOS, there'll be no roaring.
Perhaps there will be modified fart app that sounds like a fake roar.
The simple minded will love it, no thinking required.
The tech enthusiasts, not so much.
May 6, 01:27 AM
My first reaction to the headline was, "Oh no, not again..." (having already weathered both the OS9 -> OSX and PowerPC -> Intel x86 transitions)...
But after that initial groan, a few other (more positive?) considerations came to mind.
First, Apple really did do a great job of transitioning from PPC to Ix86... it was far less painful than it could have been. Not perfect, but incredibly well-managed.
Now, OSX Lion is coming, and it appears to contain the beginnings of a convergence and consolidation between iOS and OSX. If we try to imagine where those OS's will be, say, 3 years out (and the hardware as well), by THAT time, it may be as simple as flipping a switch and hey-presto, you're on an ARM device without missing a beat...
I say this because, as devices like iPad evolve over the next few years, the applications written for them will also, and by the time 'higher end devices' like desktops and laptops are lining up for a platform change, those "mobile" app versions will already be 'full featured', and already written for ARM-based devices (I'll use the current Garageband pair - with cross-compatible OSX/iOS versions - as a very early-market example of that future). So, the painful prospect of rewriting/recompiling all your code won't be nearly as bad as it was for the OS9->X transition.
Another consideration is that tomorrow's mobile devices will be far more powerful than even today's desktop/laptops are. It's harder to imagine the future of the desktop/laptop as we know them today.
In fact, now would probably be a good time to remember that what Jobs is creating here isn't just "magical devices"... he's embarked on defining the "Post PC Era"...
It'll be interesting to see where all this leads, but my take on it is that it might not even feel much like a "platform switch" by the time we arrive there...
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