Saturday, May 14, 2011

disneyland california logo

disneyland california logo. at Disney California

  • at Disney California

  • toddybody
    Mar 30, 11:13 AM
    Kudos to Amazon for allowing non-amazon content to be saved. This is just plain cool. The revamped Mobile Me will be plagued by Apple's MO.

    disneyland california logo. disneyland california
  • disneyland california

  • richard.mac
    Apr 9, 08:41 PM
    i worked it out as 288 using BODMAS order, or PEDMAS as you americans call it :P

    good idea to use Wolfram, that thing is pretty insane, and even Google can do it! step it up OS X calculator! :D

    EDIT: Spotlight is giving me 288.

    oh! looks like you just need to add an asterisk

    disneyland california logo. Original 2001 DCA Logo
  • Original 2001 DCA Logo

  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 6, 08:56 PM
    anyone think apple will do anything to commemorate the 5 year anniversary of the ipod in october?


    disneyland california logo. disneyland california
  • disneyland california

  • Kenrik
    Apr 22, 10:01 AM
    uuumm...yes I do want my MP on the desk. On the floor is where all the **** and dust is.

    Agreed.. Under a desk it has less airflow, more dirt and crap.

    Actually I prefer it being under the desk because it looks cleaner but it is NOT better for the computer. I don't know what that guy is smoking.

    disneyland california logo. The original Disneyland Park
  • The original Disneyland Park

  • Nicky G
    Nov 2, 01:44 PM
    I've never heard of this company -- are they reputable, does anyone know? I've heard all sorts of stories abut these types of things being spyware or some such, don't want to pollute my Mac with any of that garbage!

    disneyland california logo. If only California
  • If only California

  • tstreete
    Nov 14, 11:57 AM
    What type of clips are those? And where did u get them?

    disneyland california logo. Disneyland in California
  • Disneyland in California

  • Flowbee
    Aug 7, 01:49 PM
    Excellent. Now it's time to wait for the sub-$2000 "Pro" desktop announcement. There's a suspicious gap in their lineup. Mac Pro Cube (, perhaps?

    disneyland california logo. Disneyland+california+
  • Disneyland+california+

  • bperboy
    Aug 11, 10:05 AM
    This is good news for me. I'm an advanced/expert user of winblows, and I've reinstalled XP for the last time! Too many things don't go as it should, and I shouldn't even have to reinstall the operating system every 6 blasted months! I'm planning on getting the high end mac laptop in about a year, but its good to know that progress is being made!

    disneyland california logo. disneyland california
  • disneyland california

  • maclaptop
    Apr 26, 02:21 PM
    As much as I want to see Apple sell phones, I also like to see healthy competition to keep away anti-trust issues. Apple is for people who like quality high-end stuff and Android is for Kmart shoppers ;)
    It's Wal Mart, Wally :)

    disneyland california logo. and Disney#39;s California
  • and Disney#39;s California

  • tdougnoles
    May 7, 09:31 PM
    Steve Jobs tweeted a few days ago that MobilMe was going to be free for Mac uses.

    disneyland california logo. Disney#39;s California Adventure
  • Disney#39;s California Adventure

  • darrens
    Aug 4, 06:16 PM
    Afterall it's just a couple lines of code. :D

    Shouldn't be much code - the Adobe apps are already cross platform so there shouldn't be many endian issues to sort out. It's just a matter of changing development environments to use XCode and re-testing.

    Not simple, but not something that should take almost 2 years either.

    disneyland california logo. at the Disney California
  • at the Disney California

  • vito
    Apr 6, 05:12 AM
    And while this little Apple - Toyota "thingy" is happening, Microsoft announces a joint press announcement with Toyota:

    They're welcome to each other.

    Why anyone would want to brand their phone with a Toyota Theme is beyond me, Ferrari, Aston Martin maybe but Toyota lol

    disneyland california logo. florida logo, disney world
  • florida logo, disney world

  • NewSc2
    Jul 29, 08:36 PM
    my t-mobile contract expires in september..

    maybe along with the mac pros, new macbook pros, intel core 2 duo, movies on iTunes, WWDC will bring about the iPhone and no-touch full screen video iPod..

    *yeah right*

    disneyland california logo. Disneyland, California
  • Disneyland, California

  • Eidorian
    Jul 22, 01:14 PM
    Thanks for the link. Your right they are all in need of an update. I assumed most of them were brand new. Wow.I just spam that link and the one to my Merom guide. Someone is bound to listen.

    disneyland california logo. disneyland california map of
  • disneyland california map of

  • BC2009
    Apr 26, 04:14 PM
    Boy, you are sniffing a serious amount of glue.:rolleyes: His motivation is to make brainwashed fanboys BELIEVE Apple is making the best darn tech gadgets in the world, such that Apple can make the most darn profits and he can get the biggest darn bonus. And with THAT, he is a genious.


    Tony had better check the fumes in his own house. The "brainwashed fanboy" argument just keeps sounding more and more like self-deluding denial and some kind of insecurity or envy. How he could read my entire post and somehow have that sentence be the one that strikes a chord makes me think that Tony might in fact be insecure about some decision he has made. Maybe Tony is afraid that others have a different opinion than him and that somehow might diminish his opinion. Better lash out now before more people disagree -- try your best to belittle them and maybe they might agree with you instead, right? I know... accuse them of sniffing glue and being brainwashed -- that just might work..... :rolleyes:

    I am truly amazed that the wider the audience becomes for Apple products the bigger the argument for "brainwashed fanboys" gets . It's really hard to have over 200 million "fanboys" and even harder to brainwash them. If Steve Jobs could in fact accomplish that then he could rule the world. I don't think he is that good of a marketer.

    Apple's target audience is not the fans, fanatics, and fanboys who post on this and other websites -- its the everyday folks who just want their tech gadgets to work without them having to think about it. It just so happens that many of the tech-savvy professionals who do real work with their computers and tech devices also like the technology to just get out of the way.

    When 200 million or more people feel that your expensive tech products are the ones they want to spend their money on, then you must be doing something right -- and I don't think it is some kind of Jedi mind trick.

    Clearly, Jobs wants the world to think his products are the best, but I don't think it has anything to do with money -- I think he would be done by now if it was all about money -- unless he saving up to buy something really big :D. There is something more personal about it to the guy -- he is way to invested in being CEO of Apple -- its seems more than a job to him, he takes things way too personally.

    Personally, I think that Apple products can be beat on specific features, but when comparing the whole product (hardware, OS, software availability, ecosystem, support, ease-of-use, and integration across product-line), they get my tech-allowance money almost every time. When somebody rises up and offers me a suite of components that work better than Apple's do together then they will likely start getting my money instead -- it wouldn't be the first time I switched platforms, but currently Apple is my platform of choice.

    disneyland california logo. Disneyland California Contacts
  • Disneyland California Contacts

  • marcosscriven
    May 6, 02:42 AM
    u have no idea so stop hatin


    disneyland california logo. disneyland california
  • disneyland california

  • birch25
    Mar 31, 09:40 AM
    Prices way to high.. just buy an external hard drive.. even if you bought a ridiculously expensive fireproof one it would be more practical

    Yes, plugging my hard drive into my phone is much more practical than having 20 GB of music streaming to the phone with almost zero setup...

    disneyland california logo. disneyland california
  • disneyland california

  • toddybody
    Apr 7, 11:50 AM
    If the demand for touch panels increases then the manufacturers of touch panels will rejoice and expand their business thus increasing the supply. The real problem here is that RIM probably wants terms on touch panel production that are not all-too-inspiring to the manufacturers to warrant expansion. For example, Apple is confident that they will sell X units of iPads in Y units in 2012, and so on. So Apple prepays for what they need.

    RIM is not as confident with their Playbook. They probably need contingencies in any long-term orders they place to ensure they can get out of buying touch panels they won't need. If these were 9.7-inch panels then the manufacturer could care less. Anything RIM walks away from, they can turn around and sell to Apple (very smart of HP). However, who is going to buy all those 7-inch panels if RIM's Playbook gets off to a false start? Samsung? Nope -- they make their own panels from what I have heard.

    Supply and Demand.... When there is real demand for more touch panels from consumers than those being supplied to Apple for iPad then the manufacturers will expand their production and take advantage of the opportunity to increase profits. The real problem here is that RIM's attempt at media hype is not equivalent to real customer demand. The only tablet with a large amount of customer demand right now is the iPad. That is part of why I tend to believe that the "media tablet" category is a figment of the imagination for market analysts. Market analysts assign a level of demand to the "media tablet" category and make projections, but the difference between the "iPad" category and the rest of the "non-iPad media tablets" is staggering. The iPad category is flourishing, the "non-iPad media tablet" category is a fledgling state at best (if not failing).

    If not for Apple's success with the iPad how many manufacturers would have already thrown in the towel with "media tablets" and once again written it off as "the technology for tablets is just not there yet for mass consumption". Tablets failed in various forms for over a decade. iPad is the first and only mass market success in this area. If not for Apple, there would be no such thing as "Honeycomb" or HP Touch Pad or Playbook -- these guys are hoping they can figure out what Apple did right and find some way to ride the same wave the iPad is on -- while technical specifications are there, they have not yet figured out the "magic" of iPad -- ease of use, awesome software market, and the emotional response Apple manages to evoke with their user experience. Just a few examples of emotional response.... There is something delightful about pinching a stack of photos to spread them out across the screen or the way Apple's tiled app icons and folders gets adults to collect apps the same way their kids collect trading cards -- these are very emotional things that Apple seems to understand.

    Next time you should try formulating a more organized post:p

    Well said sir, well said:) Stay well!

    disneyland california logo. disneyland california
  • disneyland california

  • ergle2
    Sep 17, 02:24 AM
    Is a slim, slot loading, Blu-Ray drive even manufactured? I've seen a few tray loading externals and a tray loading internal, but not a slot loading Blu-Ray drive of any type.

    No idea. Anandtech mentioned one on display at the CES 2006 which was back in January. I believe the timeframe for launch mentioned for release was 3Q06, which is now-ish.

    The unit said 'Blu-Ray Disc, DVD Multi-Recorder', so I've no idea whether this means BD-ROM + DVD[+-][R/RW] or BD writable too. I'd guess at the latter as being more likely.

    I still don't see it as likely to happen, except perhaps as a BTO option.

    Sep 16, 02:55 AM
    I believe the new macbook pro merom's will be .1-.3 inches thicker, and POSSIBLY incorporate a new blu-ray DVD burner, 160GB HD, ATI X1800 Graphics card, and improved display to 1920X1200 for 17". I believe this to be true based on the information gathered from brenthaven's website, showing the 12/15 pro case that is out of stock is 1/4" thicker in the space needed to hold the macbook. The only reason for this is if they know "something" we don't...such as a thicker machine. Also, they are coming out around the 26th-30th. Maybe? what do you guys think?

    My name is Mr. Burns.

    Goodday Mr. Burns, may I ask what your first name is?

    ...I don't know.


    The 12/15" Pro cases are designed for the 12/15" PowerBooks which were 2.8 and 3.0 cm thick.

    You may be right about the 160 GB HDD option and the X1800.

    There is no way the MBP's will recieve resolution upgrades before Leopard. Santa Rosa MBP's will definiantly be bumped to 1680x1050 and 1920x1200. Tiger is resolution dependent, which means that a higher DPI would make it nearly impossible to see anything.

    Why would they put Blu-Ray drives in? And where would they get them from? Sony just moved the release of PS3 in Europe to March '07 duo to lack of sufficient Blu Ray readers.

    At last, why 26th-30th? Why would Apple have a large event where it would be appropriate to release MBP's, and then instead announce 1-4 days after? I believe it might be a few days prior to Photokina, as the iMac was before the Paris Expo.;)

    Sep 16, 11:17 AM
    so help me out here..

    BTO = anything purchased online? (even if the config doesnt change at all on a MBP) vs. me walking into a store and getting one today?

    what im getting at is i would like a Merom MBP but if i want to take advantage of the iPod edu deal i have to buy today, the 16th.

    so then if i get the current MBP id have to keep it unopened until the announment on the 24th? then take it back to the store?

    if ship dates go into October, when will the stores have em in stock?

    does that make any sense :DI think if you risk it, they may let you keep the premiums. I forgot about the deadline today. That would indicate they may announce the new MBPs Tuesday as others have predicted already according to the student Free iPod offer deadline. Thanks for the reminder and good luck.

    Mar 26, 11:11 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8C148)

    Yay let us all surrender our privacy to the cloud...

    Cloud Focused OS != Cloud OS.

    May 4, 02:49 PM
    How so?

    The current method is "the OS DVD you buy can be used anywhere, as often as you like, forever."

    How could it be worse than that?

    The licence is only for one computer.

    If you want to install it on a different machine you must uninstall the original copy first.

    The Mac App Store says:

    "You can install apps on every Mac you use and even download them again."

    That implies that if I go on a friend's computer for 5 minutes once a year I could install Lion on it for no charge.

    Apr 18, 05:18 PM
    Good, so let LG sue Apple. Just one problem: the iPhone doesn't actually look like the Prada. At all.

    SInce you obviously don't want to leave macrumors screen to see the image of LG Prada, please look at post #242. Pic is embedded.