Saturday, May 14, 2011

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  • mcrain
    Apr 15, 01:43 PM
    I hate to pull this card, but my livelihood depends on trading and investing. I'm a small time player, so I can't afford to make mistakes. I have over 95% of my money "in the game" at any time. I can tell you that based on my experience, most of what you described simply isn't true. I don't know how else to say it. If I tried to respond point by point, it would take all day to explain all the concepts clearly.

    Which "game"? Are you "trading and investing" in companies by purchasing shares in IPOs, or are you "trading and investing" on Wall St.? If it is the latter, then basically you are buying and selling ownership interests in companies, which has almost no affect on underlying companies.

    Won't higher capital gains reduce your "take home" earned from trading in the secondary market? If so, don't hedge funds and the like start investing in more risk taking?

    Higher taxes does not spur innovation. If anything, it would spur more risk taking because hedge fund and the like would have to make up for that difference in revenue.

    What do you think is/was the riskier investment? Investing in GE or investing in a start-up like Google? Innovation? I'm fairly certain buying 100 shares of GE from my broker didn't innovate a new lightbulb, but Google has innovated and expanded with the capital it received in its IPO. If you are trying to increase your rate of return over what you get from your GE shares, would you invest in AT&T or a little start-up called Chef John Smith, Inc. because you think he's an up and coming talent? One has a big upside, but also a lot of risk.

    If the goal is to increase rate of return of an investment portfolio, your only choices are to be better at picking good stocks, or to invest in risker investments. Wouldn't that lead to an influx of start-up capital, innovation, hiring, and economic growth?

    On the other hand, you can lower capital gains and encourage people to invest conservatively in the secondary market.

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  • Howdr
    Apr 5, 02:29 PM
    Yes they can. There is no protection under law for making money off the ineptitude of other companies. Apple is entitled, and expected to fix bugs. When those bugs get fixed, an avenue for jail breaking gets closed. Companies that see their revenue stream dry up are just screwed. That's life.

    Jail breaking happens because Apple screwed the pooch on security. That's all.

    Thats the problem you missed

    restraint of trade,

    Apple would take Microsoft or any other company to court in o.0005 seconds if restraint of trade was against them.

    Jail breaking is ruled legal by the federal government

    Cydia and theme it require Jailbreaking to sell the apps they have.

    Cydia and theme it are legally selling apps

    Apple then goes after Jailbreaking and restrains Cydia and theme it from doing legal trade

    This is not a legal act by Apple, so they say its patching for security reasons ( A lie)

    You call it security yet the doorway used to jailbreak the Iphone or Ipad has never been used for anything else then Jailbreaking.

    Your using an Apple company tactic of telling us its unsafe, you work for apple or believe the unsupported claims by Apple.

    Apple believes it looses money from Jailbreaking because these people now buy from other sources than Apple's app store.

    I find it sad that so many believe what ever Apple says is the truth.

    Apple is a multi billion dollar company that needs to make money all the time off of you. they need your money and undying loyalty. :apple:

    ( I know people will not agree with my take on this, its fine, I hate big corporations and how they lie to us, look at the Japanese and the lies from the power company, it happens again and again everyday)

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  • hhaydenn
    Apr 25, 09:23 AM
    Hold up, so it's just that easy to get in touch with Steve Jobs? What's his email address!?

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  • CellarDoor
    Aug 11, 11:49 AM
    ...And please, for the love of all things holy, retire the Powerbook G5 "joke". It never was funny and it certainly isn't funny now.


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  • arnizzlewhizzle
    Jul 30, 07:59 PM
    i think cingular would be their best bet as a serious partner. their sim cards would be ideal for this.

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  • kalsta
    May 6, 11:54 AM
    The only preference I still have for imperial is food based. Can i have 500 grams of sliced ham? It just sounds wrong.

    So, ask for 'half a kilo'. Problem solved. :)

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  • ghostlines
    Mar 31, 07:22 AM
    Does anyone know if you can now print highlighted text like you can in Windows? Since they're adding the age old full-screen window feature, I think this feature would also be a welcome addition.

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  • iSee
    Apr 26, 04:36 PM
    Good... there are a few things about iOS/iPhones that I don't like at all and that boil down to decisions by Apple and their partners to place limits where I don't think they need to be.

    Hopefully Apple starts to understand that these things matter and that they need to give people what they want.

    If not... Andriod here I come.

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  • Andronicus
    Mar 28, 09:53 AM
    Sort of relieved no iPhone 5 announcements, Im firmly bogged down into a 2 year contract.

    There will be an iPhone 5 annoucement. Don't believe everything you read.

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  • Tomorrow
    May 6, 10:51 AM
    BTW, no one really talks about 'megas', unless it's megabytes.

    Or megaWatts. Look into large generators and data center infrastructure.

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  • Lord Bodak
    Mar 28, 11:40 AM
    My problem isn't necessarily with Apple, my grief is with carriers who have tied most of us in to 2 year fixed contracts. Whether this is due to Apple's insistence, or whether carriers have signed up to the 'yearly cycle' idea, there are thousands of us stuck in the middle here.

    Any 3GS user who bought new and has a 2 year contract (usually because it was the most economical) now has a huge dilemma. Do we switch phones and get new contracts on different phones, or do we go Pay As You Go to cover those 3/4 (potentially more) months?

    Two year contracts have existed since long before the iPhone and they don't seem to be going away anytime soon.

    However, you do realize that your plan doesn't vanish when your contract ends, don't you? You will still have the exact same service you have today for the same price, until you go sign a new contract and get a new phone.

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  • adbe
    Apr 5, 02:24 PM
    JB is not illegal, and even if it were, I highly doubt Apple would go after individuals. Sure, it voids your warranty - but thats a risk.

    I didn't say it was illegal. I just don't agree that it's a right. If you can find a way into your device, good luck to you, but you should expect there to be one.

    I don't think iOS devices should be open to jail breaking. That's not a moral stance though, it's just that I expect Apple to not write crap code[1] with gaping security holes that leave my device open to root-kitting or similar.

    [1] .. alright I don't. I fully expect them to write crap code.

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  • CalBoy
    Apr 15, 03:13 PM
    If you remember the name of the economist, please let me know. There are a lot of differences in perspective I have, I can tell just from your brief description, but I would like to learn the finer details of the theory.

    Was it an economist or someone who actually understands economics? :D :p

    It was someone who specializes in economics and tax theory. I'll try to remember but until then, the historical record is more than enough to discount the idea that lowering taxes produces net positives for the economy. America experienced its highest growth years when the top tax rate was over 90% and after taxes had been raised in the 90s. Conversely we've seen a decline in our economic fortunes after 10 years of lower and lower tax rates.

    Trickle down just doesn't work. Not for the economy as a whole, not for spurring investment or R&D.

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  • lilo777
    Apr 18, 03:54 PM
    Revenues are equal to zero if not associated with costs. Give us the profit figures. :D

    From Wikipedia:

    Samsung: Net income US$ 8.33 billion (2009)
    Apple: Profit US$ 14.01 billion (FY 2010)

    Apple's profits are higher but that's because they spend about $8 billion less on R&D than Samsung ;)

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  • jpcanaverde
    Apr 5, 02:52 PM
    Maybe now they realize that even companies like Toyota want some more ways to create stuff. Better?

    And it isn't about the theme... It could be just a black screen with the text "Buy it." But it would be a jailbreak content made by a big company. It means something.

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  • jeff303
    Aug 4, 04:56 PM
    i do not know the technical stuff, but i do know that if you had all 64-bit stuff, then it'd be a lot better than all 32-bit stuff. (i know i should use better termanology, but oh well)

    Ummm, that's not so clear to me. The only thing 64-bit gives you is more addressable memory. Oh, and some operations (like adding two doubles or longs) would only take one cycle on the integer unit, instead of more. Yeah... that's about it.

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  • LegendKillerUK
    Mar 28, 10:26 AM
    How long did Apple spend announcing the iPhone 3GS at WWDC in 2009? It was about 15 minutes at most. If the next iPhone is only a slight bump like the 3GS was then that's all the time and attention that needs to be given to it.

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  • Durendal
    May 6, 12:23 AM
    This is a non-story, folks. Charlie is well-known as a professional troll who is regularly full of crap.

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  • kalsta
    May 3, 10:54 PM
    Can you cite reliable figures for the cost advantage versus the cost to switch?

    Nope. Ask me what the cost advantage of wearing my Adidas runners over a pair of wooden clogs is when I go out. I couldn't tell you. But I can appreciate the obvious benefits of the metric system in theory and in practice without making it all about short-term financial gain, and I think you could too if you took the time to look at it objectively. I am just thankful my country made the difficult decision back in the 70s when my biggest challenge was learning to wee in the potty.

    As another commenter said, you owe your kids better.

    Sep 16, 12:53 PM
    They released the C2D iMACS altogether. I would be really surprised if they didn't do AT LEAST the same to their pro line-ups.

    Except that Apple has typically released only the 15 inch model before later introducing the 17 (and 12 when they existed) when they do major updates. Witness the introduction of the Al case and the Intel switch. Of course it matters whether this is a major update. If, like the iMacs, there is not a major case redesign and it is just a processor bump then expect them to be released simultaneously. But if there is a change in case, I would be surprised (pleasantly though) if the 17 came out at the same time.

    Aug 4, 11:59 AM
    Never buy an apple product!!!
    As soon as you do something new and better comes out!!!
    I am typing this away on my new Macbook, Core 1 Duo; which i bought under the self-brainwashed reasoning that the MBP alone would see 2x2. Why you ask? Cuz I figured hey, the MB JUST came out, why refresh it every 2 months! The MBP has been out like 8 months, that makes sense.
    I can only PRAY I am right.
    No that my Macbook will be instant crap... I just COULD have waited until september.
    Damn you apple...

    Don't worry, I say this now -NO MBP CPU UPDATE AT WWDC- or till December for that matter. MBP itself has its own issues to be fixed like overheating, battery life and slower superdrive. I would be happier if they fix these issues instead of putting slightly faster chip and producing more heat and moans. And even if they do, you won't see big difference in performance anyways. So just enjoy your MB while it lasts.

    Apr 10, 01:18 PM
    Well it is an equation as it is the same as as saying x=48/2(9+3)

    Well the OP said it is an equation. Guys you are failing the reading questions also.

    Now if we said it is like stated by dukebound85.

    What will the value of X in order to obtain 48 on the right side of the equation, please take your time and move all the numbers to the left side of the equation.

    Have fun.

    Mar 29, 12:08 PM
    I dont understand the point of this. Is storage really an issue on peoples computers? I understand the mobile app, but why not just store the files locally?

    I agree w/ this. Everyone has internet at home and everyone who is so into media, already has a media server. Stuff like air video and streamtome works just fine for streaming media from anywhere internet is available.

    People who care so much about accessing media enough to take their time to upload their stuff to cloud can certainly do same at their own house. Is this really for people who don't have internet at home or can't afford nas at home?

    Seriously, what is the point of all this? Only time cloud storage works is for group collaboration where people need to share things from everywhere. For personal stuff, personal computer works the best w/ decent internet.

    Apr 20, 03:19 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    Apple is also gunning for the iPad 3 to be released alongside it but I doubt it'll end UO that way.

    No, they aren't. Don't post complete garbage. They have no need to release an iPad again this year. How many times have you ever see Apple do a product refresh in the same year? Every single major Apple product runs on a yearly refresh, with a couple of months either side to handle any possible delays.

    iPod Classic:

    iPod Touch:

    iPod Nano:

    Mac Mini:
    10/2009 ~ Notable exception due to the 2 year update gap.


    7/2008 ~ Not a refresh, added a 16GB option to existing line.

    Do you get it now? No iPad refresh until 2012...end of story.