25 Free Beautiful April 2011E.Lizardo
Apr 20, 07:12 AM
If you can have a bigger screen without a physically larger device size and weight, then yes, it is necessarily better.
Emphasis on same size device.I don't want an Android size brick.
april 2011 wallpaper calendar.needthephone
Jul 31, 06:48 AM
I hope this is true. I have a nokia 6280 which I was given when I extended my 3 contract. At fisrt I thought who needs an ipod but as an MP3 player its an absolute dog. It keeps crashing, it has extremely basic playlist control and is best really as a random shuffle type player really.Not bad sound though.
As for the source of the rumour, just don't believe the photographer leak as everyone involved in product development signs NDA as everyone's pointed out.
If its true, I think Apple probably leaked it or authorised the leak to generate a buzz to counter the Zune buzz-it happens all the time. Record companies always protest when songs or albums are released on the net but I know a lot of these leaks are from the record companies themselves (or engineered by them). The publicity is gold dust.
I doubt we will see this phone in OZ for a while though even if it comes out in August (which I doubt somehow)
april 2011 calendar wallpaper.citizenzen
Apr 15, 06:40 PM
Firstly, your perspective would change completely if you ever decide to invest or trade.
Sounds like a good reason to avoid it.
Why focus your perspective on gaining wealth?
Aren't there more important things than that in our brief lives?
Tags: april 2011, calendar,I totally agree but the problem is all my freinds are on MSN so i can't use iChat hopefully things will change today though ;)
Same here, iChat is basically useless to me until they bring in Messenger (it's not MSN anymore) compatibility.
calendar wallpaper aprilI'm surprised by the amount of resistance I'm seeing to this idea. I've assumed for a while that this move was inevitable. ARM procs will be fast, relatively cheap, cool, and energy efficient. Apple already has an OS for it which will see considerable convergence with the Mac OS in the near future. This will be a great move for Apple and for consumers, as was the move to Intel.
April 2011 calendar wallpaperAnd the logic here is..... iPod = iPod with iusic? If Apple had that logic, we would have seen an mPod, right? Or pPod for the iPod Photo. But I have seen them doing thinks that would throw real logic out of the door, before, so yeah, why not vPod for the video one.
What if its pronounce "vaye-pod" rhyming with iPod.
Or am I just clutching at straws.
April 2011 Calendar Wallpaper:acslater017
Mar 30, 07:02 PM
Enjoy your brand new 129$ Mac OS X latest revision (the most advanced, the most unique, the most... bla bla bla bla...) carrying more than XXX features (aka... just making the Mac OS X experience more iOS-alike so you get used to AppStore since soon you'll have to go through this method of delivery as there won't be any other one, because Mr. Jobs wants more money...)
Yep... I think that 129$ sounds quite ok, for nothing :D
Though I'm not surprise... there's nothing shocking that they can implement. This "update" is aimed at training people into AppStore (aka money)... and they even charge for it :D
I don't throw the word "troll" around much (it's overused) but stop trolling.
-Do we know the price?
-Have you heard any credible information that the Macs will EVER only use the App Store?
-how is Lion "nothing" - it unifies the window/Space/Dashboard viewing systems, it rethinks the entire process of file saving and revision, it adds tons of useful multitouch gestures, it implements new ways of downloading/sorting/viewing/launching apps, it adds new methods of wireless file sharing and adds security features.
Tell me, what aspect of personal computing in OS X should be improved, and how would you do it
April 2011 Calendar Wallpaper...Of course they did. Big brother is watching everyone.
2011 April Calendar Wallpaperthanks for the utube link. It definitely looks like a sturdy mount even on the dash which tends to not be perfectly smooth.
I am surprised it appears in the middle of the dash in the video. I am hoping to use it closer to left of center on a sloping part of the dash for even easier reachability while driving.
You mentioned your dock is shipping midweek. Did you buy from BottomLine Telecommunications for $90?? Says out of stock and on backorder.
Thanks again.
I did, and hopefully it will ship when it says on 11/11. They are apparently expecting a boatload of them. We'll see.
And yes, I'm mounting it closer to me (left of center) on a sloping dash, too.
calendar april 2011 wallpaper.Hey well my girlfriend just got me a kit for Christmas, and it works great. I've be on a trip with a total drive time of 18 to 20
hours, and I haven't had a problem, and it actually improves my iPhone 3g function since it doesn't have to use the native gps chip. So I think it is a good product. Good luck with BLT!!!
April 2011 WallpaperIs there really no wiggle room?
Has anyone tried to use the car kit with a Case Mate Barely There Case?
There is absolutely no room for any case to work with the TomTom car kit.
I stand corrected. I purchased the Case-Mate Barley there case and it works great with the TomTom car kit.
calendar april 2011 wallpaper.I wouldn't say it would be anything noticable!
Probably make the low end one a 1.66 Duo and the top one a 1.8 or 2.0 Duo
Doubling the cores would certianly be noticable on the low end! And even a modest bump is better than no bump for a year. But I still think a bigger bump than that is likely, chances of something like a merom on the high end are pretty good.
APRIL 2011 CALENDAR WALLPAPERWorking conditions are bad in Japan????:confused:
Yes, didnt you know?
Every country outside the US lives in poverty, where families must raise 17 children to send them out to work, and must fight to the death over food.
desktop wallpaper calendarCompetition is good :) Keeps Apple on their toes
Don't need another MS Monopoly.......
april 2011 calendar wallpaper.isomorphic
May 6, 12:31 AM
Wild speculation: It's possible that, for the short term, Apple might have both Intel and ARM processors in some of its machines. Think GPU or co-processor. This would allow a "Mac" to run iOS apps at full speed without processor emulation (albeit some chipset/environmental emulation).
I use Mac in quotes because such a hybrid monstrosity may in fact be iOS first, Mac second. Somewhere between an iPad and a MacBook Air.
It seems obvious that Apple wants this sort of blending, so why not do it in hardware?
april 2011 calendar wallpaper.tipdrill407
Aug 7, 07:14 PM
There are many of you I want to beat with a spiky stick right now. Let's consolidate you into one bullet-point list of whiners:
April 2011 Desktop WallpaperWanted to add to this thread the "interesting" picture...
Source: http://www.tuaw.com/2006/09/10/banner-for-september-12th-event/
Looks fake.
Is fake.
Discussion of fake iPod picture. (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=232341)
May 2011 Wallpapers, soon!RebelScum
Apr 20, 11:54 AM
NO ONE holds the phone by the TINY little black glass area next to the screen
You're right. My Bumper is held on by Magic.
calendar wallpaper April,They should just lower the price to like $50 so it doesn't get too polluted and overloaded with traffic.
There are already GNU/Linux based cellphones. And what about the iPhone implies that it would be open in a way that, say, an average Nokia isn't? I appreciate they ported GNU/Linux to the iPod, but for the most part the reason similar things haven't happened on more regular cellphones has been an issue of the amount of work involved, with it being somewhat harder to write a GSM stack from scratch and port a kernel than it is to simply port an off-the-shelf kernel. (And I guess there's the additional issue that there are six zillion cellphones using about one quillion completely incompatible hardware platforms, whereas there are only a handful of MP3 players and only one that's achieved marketshare heaven.)
Oh, sure. But GNU/Linux could slowly introduce a standardized set of cell phone hardware platforms to build from, just like Intel and AMD and ATI (now a part of AMD, of course) and NVidia produce reference platform hardware that then anyone can make a compatible motherboard/daughter card from, what needs to happen is to have one particularly successful and particularly popular cell phone interface, and then (potentially) everyone would be clamoring to sell it to their customers.
Now, the difference between cell phones and computers is in the history. Cell phones achieved popularity and mass market penetration before a unifying hardware platform or OS platform came into being; whereas computers didn't achieve that kind of success until afterward. So really the dynamic and all the sequencing here is different.
I'm with you -X-
Doesn't the iMac use the same intel chip as the MBP? Why all the hoohah about an impending MBP release, when it might also mean an upgrade for the iMac - which hasn't been bumped since it's announcement in Jan?
Now before I'm lambarsted because the iMac is not a 'pro' machine, I am a professional graphic designer and I am in the market for one.
Bring on the merom iMac! :cool:
Well I have a 17" Intel Imac and would sell it in a heart beat for a merom conroe setup if a better video-card was involved. X1800 or something to that extent.
The clock speed alone from my 1.8ghz yonah to a 2.3ghz meron or a 2.4ghz conroe would be over 60% speed increase. That is not including the over 20% increase from architecture change. We would be talking about a 80% to 100% increase speed on most apps when you consider clock speed increase and architecture change. :eek:
Mind you it must have a videocard change as I am looking to never buy a pc gaming rig again. I currently have a A64 3000+ OCED at 2.4ghz with a x800xl and a gig of ram. If the Imac is twice as fast as my current gaming machine then I am sold. If not then Mac Pro would be the machine for me.
I no longer want to spend $1500 on a mac $1500 on a gaming pc. When I can get a faster mac at $2500 and at the same time dual-boot that machine and get a gaming rid simultaneously. Lower price all together and a faster machine.
Of course if the Imac has a better video-card then it I only need to spend $1600. :)
Here's to new living room hardware... and I'm actually in the market. Fingers crossed.
Do you think there are any negative consequences to this? If I were starting a business and seeking investors, it would sure be a lot harder to get investors when the capital gains rate is 35% rather than 15%. That business would never materialize. Nobody's going to complain about it though because no one can see what could have been. The people who would have worked there can't complain the way an autoworker or public school teacher can complain. It's okay, it's not like we need jobs or anything. Let's just raise taxes enough on the top 1% of earners to employ everyone looking for a job. We can have them built a high speed rail network across the country. The only snag is our country would collapse before finishing one route. We would have a scattering of tracks as a reminder of our incompetence.
There's also positives that come along with this as well. If higher capital gains were able to support things like universal healthcare and better education, then more individuals would not only be able to innovate, but also take the risk on themselves because failure wouldn't mean dying as a pauper on the streets.
Our current tax system only encourages rewarding those who already have plenty. It does nothing for the small business owner that might lose his shirt if the business fails. We live in a land of extremes; you're either extremely wealthy or teetering on the brink of insolvency. That isn't the recipe for a successful society.
You're also operating from a false premise. Investors would continue to invest in whatever had the best returns. When you raise taxes across the board, all alternatives have the same tax exposure, which means the previously best option will remain the best option.
Unless you're seriously suggesting that a 35% (or higher) tax rate is really going to cause all billionaires to sit on their money and earn a lower return, just to stick it to Uncle Sam.
Many of this board's comments are great examples why our founding fathers, with great wisdom, chose to form our country with a republic for its government rather than a direct democracy.
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