portal 2 wallpaper companion cube. Portal 2 is going to have a; Portal 2 is going to have a. DotCom2. Apr 25, 02:17 PMandiwm2003
Jul 21, 02:07 PM
i thought the merom chips have the same pricing as the yonah 5 or 6 month ago. that would mean apple could switch to all merom (MB, mini, MBP). especially since they are compared to dell & co. in the windows world you are almost forced to use the better chip (merom) because the competition is fierce.
portal wallpaper 2.Wasn't that a big thing from the Leopard announcement?
No. Developers were told to get ready, but with the developer tools, you can see that many still aren't ready, including Apple.
It was never an announced feature for Leopard.
Portal 2 WallpapersIntelliUser
Apr 10, 12:22 PM
And that is, people, why Math sucks.
portal wallpaper 2.I still can't help but wonder what Apple is going to do with the Conroe CPU if anything.
portal 2 wallpaper 1080p,I don't think it is a bad idea for Apple to put Merom in the MacBooks for this reason...
Apple is being more directly compared to Dell and such these days since they are running Intel chips. And the PC makers are going to put those processors in their computers as soon as they can. If Apple doesn't want to look like they are behind in the times, they have to put these processors in also.
It makes for a little smaller of a gap between the consumer and pro (remember there is still the video card holding steady) but I think overall it will be better because we will get the updates sooner rather than later...
In all reality however, I don't actually know.
Carry on...
ipad wallpaper graffiti. ipadCmdrLaForge
Nov 26, 01:58 PM
I see this being used as the interface remote for iTV. As a full-blown PDA device, no.
I assume it is just a tablet Mac.
P.S: What does the ribbon mean?
portal 2 wallpaper companion cube. GameBanana: Companion Cube; GameBanana: Companion Cube. SevenInchScrew. Aug 10, 10:11 AM so either way, there#39;s only 4But how do you boot from a disk image without a disk???
Restore it to an external (but you do not have to do this to install Lion. The installer will install some things while in SL, then restart and finish the installation).
/Portal-2-WallpapersIt's not ignorant at all.
Yes, a handful do, and they can be easily avoided with a reasonable dose of common sense.
That's true, but it's true of Windows too. If you're sensible, you probably won't get infected. But given these things have no real overhead, and there is a real risk, it's just sensible to use it.
There is no problem running on an admin account, if you're even moderately aware of what you're doing.
It still prompts if something's trying to use your admin/root privileges, right?
The market share myth is ridiculous and has no basis in fact.
Of course it does. A quick Google finds multiple Mac hackers saying that actually OS X is easier to hack. Market value of doing so or effort required to hit a much smaller target are the reasons cited for generally not bothering.
You already know Apple's software has exploits too, if you've ever run any Apple software and not disabled updates.
This is just the reality of the modern world-our computers are connected. Our software is insanely complex. Put the two together, and you end up with all sorts of issues being discovered.
Portal iPad WallpaperI can tell you that a lot of stuff manufactured in the US is still using the old units. We Canadians, supposedly metric, get to live with it. We don't make our own paint cans, so we buy a gallon of paint. But... we can't label it as a gallon so it's sold as a 3.79 litre can. Same thing for beer. We buy it in 331ml, or 347ml units (or something like that).
Best of all.... When Environment Canada calls for a -5� day I crank the thermostat up to 69 and think about roasting a 3kg chicken with 1/2lb of potatoes, in an oven set at 375. When I bought the chicken the supermarket had a sale on in the deli. Buy 1/2 lb of sliced roast beef, and get 100gs of potato salad free.
I'll drive 10 km to visit my friend who lives in a 1200sq/ft house. It's nice, they have a view since they are 300m(etres) up the bluff. They can see Five Mile Creek, which is at least 25km away. Except if it's storming. We can storms here with winds of at least 100kph and that will drop an inch or two of rain. On the mainland, the Fraser river, which is over 2200 km long, can rise 10, 12, even 15 feet in the spring melt. The flow is an astronomical number of cubic feet per minute, and it gotta be moving at a 15-20kph easy. Though sometimes they do quote that figure in cubic metres per minute (264 gallons).
I have both imperial and a metric socket wrench kits. I've assembled BBQs that had both. You can tell which parts came from the US, and which didn't. IKEA is always metric. Lawnmowers are typically Imperial. My camera gear is both. (Tripod sockets are 1/4 or 1/8 inch coarse threads. Lighting stands use metric allen keys, unless they are US made.)
So to my American Cousins. Just switch already and get it over with! Make life easier for every one else in the world, 'kay!?! Eh?
I don't even bother with calculating fuel economy any more. The official measurement is litres/100km, but I still think in MPG, but buy fuel in litres. But I know that our Smart car has an 8 gallon tank.
Lord, lol! :D
hello kitty wallpaper ipadI did parenthesis, then multiplication or division from left to right. That's how I was taught it.
I'm pretty sure doing PEMDAS left to right is the proper way to do it
PEMDAS... First time ever that I hear of it.
I did no go to school in the US.
So.. if the priorities are Parenthesis, then Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition and lastly Substraction, using your rule:
First whatever is inside the Parenthesis: 9+3=12
Then Exponent: none
Then Multiplication: 2(12) = 24
Then Division: 48/24 = 2
There you go...PEMDAS fans.
Portal 2 wallpapers (and more)I hope the 2.33GHz processor comes standard in the 17" since it�s the highest-end model...:D
Portal 2 WallpaperiPhones are still better.
What exactly makes them "better"? In your opinion.
portal 2 wallpaper chell.Well looks Like it didn't come again :(
Just confirmed it with BLT, there hasn't been a shipment come in.
portal 2 wallpaper chell,i hate phones
Mar 29, 11:00 AM
so i just purchased an album through amazon and stored it in the cloud just to see what it was like... I got the this browser is not supported on my iphone when going to the cloud player, i clicked on continue anyway or whatever it was... and i was able to play my album on my iphone. the upload music files link is grayed out but i can still listen to the album. can't confirm playback of files that have been uploaded to the cloud but purchased from amazon and stored in cloud seems to work on iphone :)
Edit: I am using safari... I am also jailbroken so I don't know if there is any hidden difference?
ok so my session expires after every 2 songs. thats kinda annoying. is there an amazon setting i'm missing somewhere?
portal 2 wallpaper companion cube. Portal Companion Cube 2 by; Portal Companion Cube 2 by. jonnysods. Mar 26, 01:15 PM. I love Snow Leopard, really love it.lol. Poor RIM. You'll get onto the market one of these days.
At least they're trying to get in the market. Microsoft is still running around telling people they need Windows 7 Slates because it can run Adobe Creative Suite. You'd think they would get a clue when HP abandoned ship.
portal 2 lack wallpaper hdMultimedia
Jul 23, 02:26 PM
(qoute above me). Let alone isn't it that Apple orders for such an amount of processors for such a price (discounted over market price), and then puts those in laptops. So what I mean it really doesn't matter if Yonah is reduced does it?Apple probably has a JUST-IN-TIME arrangement with Intel that keeps an obsolete processor inventory from ever building up. This would be pared with an auto price reduction scheme as Intel lowers prices to the public. Just guessing.
portal 2 wallpaper companionSo you want Apple to be forced by the government to reduce its manufacturing, tell its customers "sorry, no iPad for you" because the competition needs to catch up? How stupid is that?:rolleyes:
Sadly, that's what happens in South Korea.
Which is the reason why the world has to put up with Samsung.
iPad Wallpaper pack 2Talking about the cost of swtiching, I might just add� Stepping out onto the moon cost a pretty penny too. I guess beating the Soviets to bragging rights in space was more important than implementing common sense on the ground.
What does that have to do with anything? :confused:
Even if this was somehow relevant, yes, it probably was more important to achieve a scientific feat at that point in time. The Apollo missions created generations of people who became interested in science, raised educational standards nationwide, and brought forth thousands of advancements that we still use in our daily lives.
Hang on� You're not distancing yourself from the illiterate masses now? I thought you agreed with them? ;)
Not with their reasoning. My scientific literacy is pretty good, and I don't have an inherent mistrust of science which many Americans do. This makes them resist things that are advocated by the scientific community, whether it's evolution, vaccination, or evidence-based medicine. So when scientists clamor about changing to the metric system, it raises two questions in the minds of people; 1) Why should I trust this person? and 2) Is the change really necessary?
I don't doubt scientists when they advocate for the metric system, in science. Howeve, since most of the advantages of the metric system are really reserved to the sciences, the question of whether or not everything in life should be metric really isn't a scientific one; it's an economic and convenience one. In my daily life I do not need to easily convert between the mass of water and its volume or take temperatures relative to the boiling point of water.
Well, I assume the US population ain't getting any smaller the longer you put it off.
No, but that doesn't mean that we should transition now either. It all depends on the ease of transition. This is why I think long term transitioning is the only real option available. Do things piecemeal in order of greatest economic return, and if there is no economic return on a particular item, forget it. There's no point in switching to something that is going only cost money; at some point there needs to be a positive return for it to make sense.
portal 2 wallpaper chell.I'm excited but disappointed at the same time.
It's nice to see some of the things they're incorporating into Leopard, and it's great to finally see a physical MacPro and read a spec sheet. You get a lot of processing power for the money, no doubt.
On the flipside -
the base video card is pretty meh. Additional HD options are ridiculously limited; you can only add 500g ones (no 250) for 2nd/3rd/4th HD. Base price on the dual 2.6 is..ok I guess. I join many others when I say I was hoping for lower cost but we'll see if they deliver a high end iMac with a Core 2 in the next few months.
Congrats to all the early adopters; I'm envious. :)
But I think the waiting game is best, even though it sucks. Then again I don't have the necessary funds so it's excusable. I'll be waiting til next year around the time Leopard launches I think and then I'll buy...mmm something. :D (Depends on what these are going for and also if we see any Core 2 iMacs.)
All in all though, way to go Apple...you've got yourself another customer. I can't wait to be able to use some of the new features in Leopard.
Why not compare the sizes?
If you look both MBP are 1" tall with the lid closed while the Sony TX series is 1.12" tall and the SZ is 1.5" tall (at the thickest... which is up near the drive area).
That's not really true of the SZ series either. The SZ ranges from 0.9 to 1.33" or so, and the drive area is in the thin part of it at the front:
This is the most ridiculous thing to appear on the MacRumors front page in quite some time.
Well, we thought the transition to Intel was pretty ridiculous five years ago. I bet the 680X0 to PowerPC RISC transition was feared as well.
I personally doubt that Intel on the Mac platform is going away any time soon, but I do anticipate perhaps a new line of devices in the iOS arena.
Remember what Steve Jobs said about moving onto the "next big thing".
The PC market is shrinking. It's not going to go away, but Apple has to have the "next thing" ready. Is that just another PC desktop or laptop? I don't think so.
Apr 21, 08:16 PM
It would save money with the need for less raw materials.
It would save very little money in material costs for the overall market. They don't have 2 options for a Workstation.
This would be their section option.
in Lion - in the user's home folder is the library hidden? according to some people on the photoshop forums - Apple has decided to make things simpler for new users. I hope thats not true. Can anyone confirm this?
Yes it is true. It is hidden by default now. Takes only a second to make it appear again though, so I don't see why it's that big of a deal? Any technical user that needs to see the Library folder will enable it, and anyone who isn't technical enough won't ever need to access it.
If the Keynote is on the first day of the Expo that would be the 12th.
The iPod offere ends on the 16th, the end of the Paris Expo.
You might have to place your order online as I expect they wouldn't be in stores by then, but you [we] should be all set.
If the Mac Book is update before then you are not getting free ipod with it...
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