i love you baby forever andmattwolfmatt
May 7, 10:21 AM
I get the feeling they are not really making any money on it, so it would make sense to give it away as a benefit of "using a mac."
Huh? If they aren't making any money for it now (with relatively few people paying for the service) how would it make sense to give it away for free (with many many more people not paying for it?)
I for one use it ALL the time. When you have more than one device (multiple macs, iphone), it's SO nice to have them sync wirelessly, immediately, and without having to login every time, on the native apps. iCal, Contacts, Safari links: I am a very frequent user of the mobileme syncing on all of these.
i love you baby forever andThunderhawks
Mar 28, 11:50 AM
Apple would only be hurting themselves if they waited until the Fall.
People are ready for a new iPhone. If it doesn't come out by June, some will lose patience and buy an iPhone 4, or worse, will be tempted by the false promises coming from every phone offering 4G service.
Didn't read all the posts, but you realize there will be one like this soon:
Apple already has the iphone 5 in their warehouses. After the botched ipad2 fiasco, they finally learned their lesson.
Once the hype machine starts they will again make the iphone 5 scarce, so people stand in line, just to get press coverage.
Feel free to add:-)
i love you forever poemsPecanEater
Apr 5, 01:03 PM
Lame. You can be sure Toyota will capitulate to the Apple strong arm.
i love you baby forever andI just want to laugh at everyone when they release the Quicktake videocamera with a 60Gig HD and HD 1/3 CCD. What a beautiful videocamera. Life is good. Of course probably won't see this till Photokina but oh, well.
i love you baby foreverWould I be able to drop a Conroe processor in my Core Duo iMac?
whoops, i thought you meant Merom
i love you baby foreverMy money is on iMac and iPod nano updates in Paris, MacBook in November, the Long awaited Media Mac Mini at Macworld, new video iPod along with the launch of iTunes Video Store, as well as the long rumored new games for the iPod. Maybe a new iSight that is small enough to clip onto the iPod? Bah, I am getting way too carried away. Back to the point, since this is a pro targeted conference, it makes perfect sense for the MacBook Pro and Mac Pro to make appearances.
A little over the top, but agreed. WWDC is a developer confernce, so Leopard and the Mac Pro. I'd be surprised if he even mentions Merom. Forget about MB, they just came out and Steve won't kill sales during the back to school promo. Geez, he's a genius, not a moron...
I love you baby. Forever andJust to get attention that's all.
I doubt iOS 5.0 or the next iphone will be delayed.
I'm not sure.. I do think the iPhone 5 SHOULD be delayed a few months on their part as the iPhone 4 is still selling like crazy and they have not tapped out that market.
May 4, 03:17 PM
I'm sure it will be sold in store as well. I just can't see apple cutting Amazon & all the other apple resellers out of the deal.
My unforgettable abyI love you forever.ezekielrage_99
Jul 24, 12:19 AM
Not likely.
In the "old days" (i.e. pre-Intel) Apple could do this, keep selling outdated technology to clear out inventory before updating processors, graphics cards/chips, etc.
But now that they're competing head-to-head with PC technology, this won't EVER happen. It was not accidental that Yonah debuted on MBP's before Dell, HP and Sony started selling them. No, Apple will have them out of the chute as soon as anyone else does (Intel probably won't give Apple first dibs this time - that was probably a Yonah bribe to get Apple to commit to Intel), which means there's no way we'll be waiting until Christmas (unless some production snafu makes EVERYONE wait that long.)
Announcement in August, shipping in September maybe?
That's a pretty good analysis, all probability Applw will have to update their products very soon and it wouldn't surprise me to see a new Mac Pro and Macbook Pro update in August.
IL love you forever Babybloodycape
Nov 22, 10:49 PM
yeah. except they forgot to put RAM in it...and the firmware is crap so far..and the battery last about...erm, 24 hours..and they wont support mac..ever!
great phone though!:)
If I am not mistaken the phone is Linux base which does mean Apple support from my knowledge of Linux pdas.
i love you forever and alwaysWirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)
Globalization is a race to the bottom, and nobody seems to understand that while the 3rd world rises up, the 1st world inevitably must slide down.
It's not a zero sum game. Western economies will increasingly shift toward higher skilled professions as the BRIC countries take over manufacturing and mid level white collar work. The U.S. must step up its educational training in order for its many low paid service workers to move up the ladder, though.
Are you not familiar with the concept of an idiot? Seriously there is only so much you can do with some people. This whole idea that education can solve all our problems is bogus. Some people are beyond education and others like Steve J. Find a different path.
Beyond that you can't really have an economy without some sort of manufacturing. You know it is half of the goods and services phrase.
In any event Apples problems are age old and directly related to relying on a single supplier. Hopefully they can get this material they need manufactured in another plant. If not Apple will end up having some pretty bad quarters.
i love you baby forever quotesWhat if free Antivirus software is designed to help identify security holes, and the best way to infect Mac's wide-scale? I've always thought virii has to be engineered under contract by companies making the "solutions" to them, there are far too many virii out there on a daily basis, to such an extent that it has to be developed on a full-time basis with some corporate involvement somewhere. There are a lot more things to do for kicks these days, other than write malware, you'd think people have better things to do, unless there is money in making them..=]
edit: Is there an infrastructure in place, to investigate whether or not anti-virus companies are involved in any way shape or form, with the development of malware? if not, then who keeps these companies in check to insure they aren't in any way involved with malware creation, to support their own industry? Sorry but any company that feeds fear and paranoia to sell or distribute their wares, needs to brought under check somehow.
I will love you forever myapplefanDrew
Apr 25, 08:57 AM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)
So Steve is saying there is no database of locations? Thats just an outright lie.
No. Re-read the three sentences he typed. He said that Apple is not tracking anyone. That infers that the database of locations is not being used to track a users location.
Which is obvious since it's not using the GPS.
love you forever baby.I do wish people would stop using the "marketing name" Retina displays.
Just say what screen resolution you would like.
I Love you Baby :) I Promise iConsider this. Let's say Apple does something along the lines we're predicting, and sells their phones. Before we plunk down our money, we go around to the various cell carriers and inquire if they'll let us bring our phone to their network. They say either "NO!" or "Not at this time."
The only mobile carriers in a position to do this are the cdmaOne/CDMA2000 ones (Verizon, Sprint PCS, etc.) If Apple makes a GSM or UMTS phone, the carrier has little or no say in whether you use it. T-Mobile and Cingular will, by next year, be running both types of network in the US, and both already run GSM.
The real influence the cellphone companies (at least, the ones not stuck in the 1980s as far as their network infrastructure goes) have on phone purchasing is the ability to subsidize phones that fit their model. This, in practice, usually means rebranding. Cingular is pretty good on that score and rarely insists on more than some ugly logos printed on the phone (unfortunately their network is not the greatest GSM implementation in the world.) T-Mobile, in my experience, is somewhat worse, though not always for bad reasons. For example, they'd probably insist on "My Faves", a proprietary five person phonebook, being grafted on to whatever UI an "iPhone" has, in return for any substantial subsidy.
The fact Apple can't expect carriers to subsidize their phones is one issue they have to deal with. I'm more concerned though with Apple becoming a minority player, with its phone tied to a music store whose success was, in major part, to do with the giant marketshare it had, and thus Jobs's ability to force the labels to compromise on prices.
What would make absolutely more sense is for Apple to simply start up their own network. They've already acquired some assets in this area, haven't they? So why not bide their time until they can really roll the thing out? And since it is relatively common practice for cell towers to have more than one (sometimes several) carriers' equipment mounted on them, Apple could buy into who's-ever network they needed to get one of the "lesser third party" broadcast equipment sets that's already out there among the masses.
Apple would need not merely infrastructure but spectrum to actually start a carrier. They have neither.
Purchasing a carrier is an interesting pipe dream and would terrify the crap out of most shareholders. Mobile telephony is a long term thing, with very little return on investment yet for most people who've invested in it. It's not even a good time to get involved, most companies are rolling out 3G networks and 4G, in the shape of WiMAX, is already being released in some areas.
Were they to do the carrier thing, the best they could hope for would be to be an MVNO. This would be a major change of business model. It has so many ramifications I don't know where to begin.
i love you forever and alwaysgnasher729
Apr 25, 09:23 AM
So Steve is saying there is no database of locations? Thats just an outright lie.
I think Steve Jobs is someone who doesn't suffer idiots gladly. Note how he didn't say "there is no list of locations on people's iPhones", what he said was "we don't track anyone". The opposite of "we don't track anyone" is "Apple is tracking some people's movements". Do you have any evidence of this? Do you _believe_ it?
Just think about his statement. Then consider that 1. Steve Jobs is just slightly wiser and more intelligent than you and is more likely to have a clue what he is talking about and 2. Steve Jobs is the CEO of a major company and can't afford to lie in public.
I think Steve is outright lying about this.. I don't think most people aren't fond of this, including myself..
You are an anonymous poster on MacRumors. Steve Jobs is the CEO of a major company. You can say whatever you like. Steve Jobs can't. Plus whatever I said above.
i love you baby forever quotesMonkeySee....
Nov 11, 09:31 AM
As a business point of view, a company will need to have some sort of AV installed as part of company policies weather its needed or not.
love you forever baby. I#39I like this guy. He's being reasonable. However, I'd bet that Apple does NOT update any other Macs to Core 2. Yet. Save that for Expo Paris.
Don't forget that apple dont just compete with themselves but other PC manufacturers now, and that release schedule would put them way behind. I expect speedbump/updated MBP and iMac at least. Probably on a random Tuesday soon.
I#39;ll love you foreverjasonforisrael
May 8, 03:29 AM
Steve Jobs tweeted a few days ago that MobilMe was going to be free for Mac uses.
lol if you think ceoSteveJobs (who posted that tweet about mobileme) on twitter is the real deal, then perhaps you should read some of the other tweets. stuff like "I don't care what you think of me. You care what I think of you", "Number of apps in iPad commercial: 42, number of black hands: 0", and "Why charge 80 for Apple earbuds? because someone somewhere will pay for it"
It won't be updated tomorrow. But it will probably be updated as soon as later this week. Boo freaking hoo already, is it really that big a deal to wait a few days. And here's the big question: IS DELL EVEN SHIPPING MEROM LAPTOPS YET?
No, but they're not playing games with my rather fragile heart =(
you wish my young skinny friend, you wish! :D
Don't make me turn you into a mouse.
Apr 24, 12:46 AM
The past year my right eye's vision has decreased. Interestingly enough that is around when i got my iphone 4, can lack of my eye working and the phone making it easier make my vision worse? Probably not and just a coincidence.
Anyway i wonder if apple will do the whole "It is a 500$ upgrade for retina" thing or it will just be a thing all mbp's have.
No your just getting old. ;)
Don't panic
May 3, 05:25 PM
I deem thyself dead forthwith.
yeah, yeah, you always say that, but then when all your hocus-pocus frizzles, and it comes to save your skinny buttock from a mountain troll once again, what are you going to trust: the rabbits dropping out of that sorry hat of yours, or my axe?
i thought so.
Apple is strict. This request is not unusual for them. Piss them off and you get excluded from having your apps on the worlds coolest gadgets... And no corporate sluts want that to happen.
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