real madrid logo wallpaperghostface147
Apr 5, 01:38 PM
So uh what exactly would Toyota lose if they tell Apple to stick it? At best all I can guess are licenses to use use an iPod trademark or something similar to integrate into the car stereo, if they even have that option. I can't think of anything else.
wallpapers real madrid. realPersonally, I think that iP4 is the most aesthetically pleasing phone on the market. I'm not surprised to hear they will not change the design because the transition from 3G to 3Gs was similar.
The faster processor isn't necessarily a good enough reason for me to upgrade because the apps that I use regularly perform more than adequately on my iP4 (probably on 3G/3Gs models too). If I decide to start shooting more video (and editing it) or do other heavy lifting on my phone I will consider upgrading.
That being said, I think it is important for Apple to upgrade to a dual core processor, increase the memory, and make it capable of using at least one 4G network to compete with the latest Android based phones on the market.
real madrid logo wallpaperbboucher790
Apr 26, 03:22 PM
Android phones don't blend.
Playing for Real MadridLooks like I was quite wrong about being the only one remembering iTools.
Because Free always has better uptake as witnessed by the legions of people that let Google scrape their emails and other data to provide targeted ads. These people actually perceive this as being "Free" when in fact you're letting Google profit handsomely off your data.
Yep nuck, that has always bugged the hell outa me too.
real madrid logo hd.ghostface147
May 4, 03:55 PM
As long as "preferred" doesn't mean the only way to get it, I'm good.
real madrid logo wallpaperI'd pay a premium for products manufactured in the US.
Products might be more expensive, but there would be more Americans employed. As much are there is a downside to producing here, there is also an upside.
Quality would probably go down.
real madrid logo wallpaperWirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)
Hey Apple,
I don't want my iPhone 5 to be leaking radiation...
Too soon? :cool::rolleyes:
Always looking at the negative side of things. Maybe a little radiation will lead to higher power densities.
Samuel Eto o Real Madrid shirtJohn Jacob
Jul 23, 11:56 AM
Well, since WWDC has been bumped from the usual June day, we all know something is coming. I kinda am hoping for a 13" MBP. They could introduce the 13" MBP along with bumped up 15" and 17" ones.
I would love that. I really want a MBP to replace my PB12, but the current MBPs are too bulky. What I really want is a 13" MBP of the same general form factor as the MacBooks, but with a dedicated pro graphics card and everything else the MBPs have...
real madrid wallpaper andI'm not really sure Apple cares about your school district.
Considering that we're one of the first schools in MN to adopt the iPad as a learning tool, and that there are many other schools that are going to wait a year or so to do the same thing, Apple sure does care, they even send representatives and stuff like that from time to time, lucky for us ;)
They might not care enough to change launch dates, but they care somewhat.
Jesus, it's not like the iPads you bought suddenly stop working when a new model comes out.
No, but it would cause an uproar among our faculty. I know they'll keep working, as you do too, but the other students and staff only want the newest and best. We're on a 3 year contract for iPads, and if they announce new iPads the month school starts, the complaints will never end. One year into owning them is a bit more feasible, however.
that's a lot of iPads!
That'll take forever to deliver!
They start coming in next week, supposedly! :) I'm more concerned about how much time it will take to set them up, because we only have 5 technology people at our district, and after I go to college there will only be 4. Thank you economy for leaving us shorthanded :(
that would be your fault for not reading reports
The word report suggests it was well thought out and documented given actual sources. What you mean to say is rumor.
Thanks :)
real madrid logo wallpaper 2011. wayne carini bio, Ozil; wayne carini bio, Ozil. inhrntlyunstabl. Apr 25, 03:58 PM. I always wonder what people are thinkingI purchased the TOMTOM app early on and paid $99 for it. One week later, I found it posted in the App Store for $49.99 and today, a couple of weeks after that, the price is $59.99. I have searched the App Store site, iTunes Store AND the Apple site and do not understand how to find a Customer Service Link to ask about a refund for the difference in price. Does anyone know how to reach Customer Service for the APP Store? Thanks in advance...
also you're mixing two different Apps ... if you purchased the TomTom app early on fro $99, then you purchased the USA + Canada app ... the $59 app is USA-only ... so in effect, you're actually negotiating the purchase of a different app
your USA + Canada version is $79 currently
i agree w/ wclyffe, good luck ... they don't make it easy
not sure it'll work this late after you originally purchased, but you might ask for your "one-time, no questions asked" app refund ... then repurchase the USA only version, if that's what you're interested in
real madrid wallpapers 2009.Man, and I got an iMac in late June because I was told they wouldn't get Merom's into iMacs until 2007.
I can still drop one in, can't I?
Real Madrid Logo - EAflopticalcube
May 4, 11:20 PM
You metric people ought to hook up with the military time people.
Odd you should say that as the US military is an early adopter of things metric, at least by US standards. (there's a pun in there)
Real Madrid Logo .Nothing wrong with a Scion there, buddy. ;)
HA ha! Guess what my first new car was (when i turned 17)...an 05' Scion TC.
The thing was underpowered, not great fuel econ, a fuel injection sensor went bad at 30k miles, the window motors got really slow quickly, the dash looked like Kabul after a while, and of course as soon as i bought one...so did everyone else. It was a happy happy day when I got a used SAAB:) Sorry for the rant...SCIONS are just crappy cars...but i guess you get what you pay for :p
real madrid fc logoThis just makes me more interested to hear what Apple has come up with. I like the idea of "the cloud" but I'd definitely like to compare Amazon's with Apple's when it is announced in June.
real madrid logo 2009. realI think you hit it right on the head, you got the same idea that I was thinking.
flash ram is cheaper now, but the hd size is not where it needs to be.
the processor must be at least 1.2ghz to make it a winner.
harddrive and ram would probably run off the same memory.
got to remember both would be flash. :)
I don't think it would appeal to that many people, to have an Apple MP3 player. I mean, the existing ones aren't great sellers.
See the problem here? The reason the iPod took off was because it wasn't like the existing MP3 players.
Take a look at a group of current products:
1. The UMPC. Seems like a good idea, but not successful so far. Why not? Here's Gartner:
An Apple tablet would beat content bundles problem, the shell/interface problem, and the synchronization problem. Inkwell and a bluetooth keyboard option would help; and built-in WiFi will certainly help. If Apple can do something about the battery problem . . . I also think the form factor needs work.
2. The PDA. Right now the PDA market is growing, not shrinking - mostly thanks to the Blackberry and the PocketPC and at the expense of Palm. The magic combination seems to be email + cell wireless: if you can get your email anywhere you can use your cellphone, a PDA becomes a more compelling device. This ties in closely with
3. The cell phone. Everyone is in agreement that the cell phone is a target area for Apple; the question is who Apple's carrier will be. A GSM-based device that does EDGE could be used with many different networks.
4. The eBook reader, like the Sony Reader. The good side of the Sony Reader is low battery consumption and a very readable screen. The bad side is that it has to have a pretty low-consumption, low-use processor, no color, and the screen update speed is abysmal. The underlying tech of eInk isn't going to help with an Apple tablet, but the form factor might be a very good choice for a UMPC/Blackberry killer.
5. The tablet computer. The reason the tablet computer has been a failure is because the writing interface isn't very good yet, and because the damned things are the same size and weight as a notebook, so there's little point in dumping the notebook for a tablet. A smaller form factor with the same power, but one that it a little more usable and compelling than the UMPC might be very successful.
6. Video device, like the iPod with video or its competitors. A lot of folks complain that it's too small a screen, and the battery power isn't so hot. If you could have a larger screen that is not much heavier, and just a little more battery power . . .
7. Web pad / web appliance (Nokia 770, Audrey, Pepper Pad, etc.) The problems with these so far have been form factor and OS quality. Most web appliances have run either PocketPC/Windows CE or customized Linux distributions. The Linux distributions that have been used haven't had a good enough UI for a general computing, general audience environment - the needs of a web appliance are too complex to be handled the same way embedded interfaces (like TiVo's) have been handled. Windows CE isn't designed for a general computing environment, either, and makes too many compromises. I also think the Nokia 770 is too small, the PepperPad is overwhelmed by its case, and the Audrey isn't flexible enough.
A successor to the Newton that was a true OS X device, in a form factor similar to the Sony Reader, with .Mac synchronization, Airport Extreme and Bluetooth, a FireWire 400 and two USB 2 connectors, a mini-HMDI socket (with HDMI and DVI converters), a dock connector, an iSight, and an optical-capable audio plug, with some of the on-screen navigation tech we've seen in Apple patents, would be fantastic.
But I'd be surprised if the tech is there yet: the processors aren't small enough and cool enough, the flash memory (you'd want flash and not a hard disk drive) doesn't have enough capacity yet, and the batteries don't have a long enough life. I'll bet there is a prototype device like this in the Apple labs, but it might have mediocre stats: say
700 MHz processor equivalent
16 GB storage
256 MB ram
3 hours of battery life (1.5 playing an iTunes movie)
estimated cost to consumer $999.
I think a successful device would need
1.2 GHz processor equivalent
80 GB storage
8 hours of battery life (5 playing an iTunes movie)
estimated cost to consumer $699.
Chelsea Logo WallpaperCould you bump that up if you called back and did the overnight gig?
Just curious.
My friend (an apple employee) used his discount and ordered for me at the store. I don't think he ever asked me about shipping, I assumed it was standard for every consumer.
I can see an extra week to added on to throw in an extra gig and ship from China, not NINE days! Either way it will be here and in the meantime I'll HOPE FOR THE BEST, and expect yonah.
real madrid logo wallpaperAnyone downloading and installing on an MBA?
Wondering about trim support.
TRIM support was in the previous build as well so there is no reason for it not to be there still unless there was a major bug (doubt it).
real madrid wallpaper logo.craigslist.org? :p
craigslist takes 1st - 1000th place for all the state/city sub categories.
Real Madrid vs BarcelonaHa ha! Way to go Apple!!!! Kill the competition any way you can!!
Apple is doing everyone a favor saving them from the mistake of getting a RIM tablet.
I'm sure Apple appreciates your enthusiasm to kill the competition. I have no doubt they will repay your gratitude by allowing you to pay more for their products.
Apr 18, 07:52 PM
I'm not against tax increases as long as the country is using it as a last resort.
What constitutes being a "last resort"?
It makes more sense to me to put in clauses that reverse tax increases once a goal has been reached.
Use all the tools in the tool chest to solve the problem.
Apr 25, 10:02 AM
Yes, Apple is not the first or last company to use emerging tech to track user information. That said, the information they do collect needs to be understood by the user...including the rational behind the collection. i.e., want to see your location on Google Maps? "Accept Location Services" for this instance...etc
things are far too muddy
sorry guys but on closer review of the pictures, it does look like the adhesive disk is mounted on the dash and the dock to the disk.
I think this is a great idea. Even more for Android devices. I don't like how hard it is to sync music on my android so this makes me stoked! I buy most of my music from Amazon as it is anyway. Pretty neat idea. I am curious what they do with your data if you have over 5 gigs and then don't want to pay for the 20 gigs. Do they just delete it?
I hope apple decides to lower the price of mobile me with this out now!
awful program
locked up my mac multiple times and possibly was the cause of my bootcamp partition getting completely ruined
was working fine until i ran this
TBH, probably wasn't the AV.. when you dual boot there are so many bugs that go on w/ OSX. I never dual boot anymore because it would always lock my Mac up..
I saw a lady today at the Apple Store, and goes to the Genius Bar.. and the first thing she says "Hi, I am having troubles with my iMac, I dual booted through Boot Camp w/ Windows 7, and it crashed my Mac." I LOL'd and the genius's confirmed it was the cause of dual boot. I don't trust it... not one bit.
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