Mar 26, 10:59 PM
You do realize you don't have to renew the contract right? AT&T will be more than happy to keep taking your money until such time as you feel ready to sign a new one.
How about something more along the lines of "New iPhone 5 when it's released if you agree to pay our fees for another two years"?
I guess I'm not exactly in any position to negotiate like that...
So they'll keep charging the same rates after the contract ends? And I can keep my unlimited 3G for $30 a month?
T-Mobile Android Sidekick 4GMultimedia
Aug 7, 07:22 PM
In the past, Apple has always issued a "White Paper" on new leading products. I can't see the link for that yet. Anyone find it? :confused:
May 2, 06:55 PM
I remember in elementary school, learning about the metric system since we were all going to switch to it. That never happened. I wonder why....
Apr 10, 02:20 AM
Should you distribute first?
New T-Mobile Sidekick 4G withNow one of the remaining issues would be after taking the iPhone out of the dock, do you just leave the dock or actually detach it and hide it in the console or glove compartment. i am betting that it just stays on the dash--a feature that might concern me give where I have to park from time to time and gps theft seems to be on the rise.
I live in a small city and generally garage the car at night, so I can get away with leaving the dock on the dash on a routine basis. If I do leave it parked on the street over night in a not-so-safe area one of these days, I guess I'll remove the dock and take it with me.
The nice thing about being able to leave it on the dash is I use it more often, for shorter trips than I did when I had a less convenient arrangement -- e.g., if I want music on a trip of five miles, or to use the gps for navigating a country road at night or bad weather, when it helps to know if there's a sharp turn a quarter mile ahead.
tmobile sidekick 2011 release.adamfilip
Sep 11, 02:05 PM
New Apple 30" 1080p IPOD
with Backpack straps for easy transport
T-Mobile has been making a lotSo I am planning on buying a MBP a soon or soon after they upgrade to Merom (depending on my $$ situation). BUt, I might be convinced to wait until Leopard is installed on the machines to buy.
How much will it cost to upgrade? I know that the current version of OSX is $100+ in the Apple store. Is that an upgrade, or for people still running 9? Will the upgrade be that much?
$129 for everybody if it's like previous releases. There is usually no upgrade.
I#39;m assuming that this newLet me know how loud the volume is during a call conversation. If it is significantly louder than the TomTom, I may jump ship and get the Megellan unit.
So hear's my initial sense of the Magellan kit. I like it better than the TomTom kit for two simple reasons..first, it is rock solid when I drive around no matter how bumpy the road is. Instead of the tiny clicks on the TT, it has simple detents at 12-3-6-9 and it locks in solid. Second, is the fact that I can just put my iPhone in with the case on makes it far more convenient. I didn't think this would be such a big deal, but in fact I'm in and out of the car a lot so its a significant benefit. The speaker is loud and clear, but I don't think its louder than the TomTom...about the same.
I'll let you know more as I use it for awhile!
I just ran into this review today so I thought I'd add it in for anyone interested...
i loved the new t-mobilegrahamperrin
Nov 26, 12:21 PM
At http://openforum.sophos.com/t5/Sophos-Anti-Virus-for-Mac-Home/Disabling-Sophos-from-start-up/m-p/1117#M643 in the words of a VIP:
Sophos Mac HE wasn't built to be used for on-demand scans only - it will use more resources than necessary for just this task�
slowing my Mac to a crawl
Experiences do vary greatly.
At one extreme: users who find SAV better than comparable software from other developers. There are many such users.
At the other extreme: users who find that SAV causes deadlock (requiring a forced shutdown or restart) before the computer can be used. Around http://openforum.sophos.com/t5/Sophos-Anti-Virus-for-Mac-Home/Unable-to-complete-login-after-reboot/m-p/1005#M588 I hope to discover whether a previously known issue was:
a) resolved appropriately (if the number of WorkerThreads was not increased from 4, then how was the issue resolved?)
b) overlooked.
Somewhere in the middle: Second and subsequent launches of applications, a sense of hogging (http://openforum.sophos.com/t5/Sophos-Anti-Virus-for-Mac-Home/Second-and-subsequent-launches-of-applications-a-sense-of/td-p/355) � by default, on-access scanning excludes archives and compressed files (IMO that's not ideal); if you do prefer on-access scanning of archives and compressed files you may find that some types of application are unusually slow to launch.
Reading File Vault Information � The Matrix Data Bank (http://www.schollnick.net/wordpress/macintosh-related/file-vault-information) (highlights (http://diigo.com/0drrs)) �
each additional thread will take up approx 8Mb of memory
� alongside http://openforum.sophos.com/t5/Sophos-Anti-Virus-for-Mac-Home/Unable-to-complete-login-after-reboot/m-p/981#M576 my gut feeling at the moment is that a debatably small memory footprint (4 WorkerThreads, with no GUI to increase the number to a safer 15) presents unnecessary risk to some users.
Personally, I'm disappointed that a respected organisation with expertise in security (Sophos) has not taken care to have their product work reliably, for all users, with a key security feature (FileVault) of an operating system. It may be that only a handful of users are affected, but deadlocks and forced shutdowns are never acceptable.
Security is vaguely to mildly inconvenient, and worth it in my opinion.
For some types of user, software such as Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac OS X does offer additional (never total) peace of mind.
My advice: try it. If you find a problem, feedback to Sophos.
tmobile sidekick 2011 releaseHOMBRESINIESTRO
Mar 27, 11:32 AM
There is probably some truth in it after all:
The iPhone 5 will come with iOS 5 in June/July and then this fall, we will see iOS 5 for the iPad 2, making it feel like an all new iPad. Perhaps they even call it iPad 3 internally.
This is also a perfectly sane explanation of the rumor of iOS 5 coming this fall - it will be, but it's the iPad version "the source" is talking about.
get Tmobile+sidekick+2011Cloud based services will require mobile phone operators to change their pricing structures or see lots of dissapointed customers.
O2 UK - 24 month contract �35pm, right now = 1000 SMS's, 600 minutes, 500MB data. I'd far rather see 500SMS's, 300 minutes, 1.5GB data... but of course, the SMS and minutes cost them next to nothing vs. data costs...
say New+sidekick+2011Everyone has been receptive except $#%#@@! Adobe
And Avid. I'm really hoping they have the software ready to go once the new Mac Pros come out (whether it be today, or later). I can't wait to get off my freaking PC.
T-Mobile unveils new SidekickThat is just marketing. In reality, Merom, Conroe and Woodcrest are all based on exactly the same archicture, with Merom optimised for low power consumption and Conroe optimised for clock speed.Core Duo (Yonah) is derived off of Pentium-M much more directly then Core 2 Duo (Merom). You are correct though. Same chips, just picked to fit each form factor application.
I was responding to a link to a Conroe chip. Hence why I said that there is no Mac that the *linked Conroe* chip can be put into *apart from maybe the Mac Pro* which has the right socket.
Again, you're just reading my post incorrectly.Woodcrest is a LGA771 (Socket J). Conroe is LGA775 (Socket T) You are correct that no current Mac can take Conroe.
However, there are Macs that can take Merom, faster Yonah, and faster Woodcrest chips. I guess that was the miscommunication.
tmobile sidekick 2011.i don't think it would appeal to that many people, to have an apple tablet.
i mean, the PC/Win versions aren't great sellers...
No, probably not...but maybe with some Apple magic the Tablet PC industry could finally take off. :o :)
T-Mobile Sidekick 4G byI don't think it would appeal to that many people, to have an Apple MP3 player. I mean, the existing ones aren't great sellers.
5. The tablet computer. The reason the tablet computer has been a failure is because the writing interface isn't very good yet, and because the damned things are the same size and weight as a notebook, so there's little point in dumping the notebook for a tablet. A smaller form factor with the same power, but one that it a little more usable and compelling than the UMPC might be very successful.
Right now, I could put 80 of these into service if the landed price was < $1000
1.25 GHz CD processor
12" display
40-80 GB storage
USB 2.0 (2-3)
1394 (video feed)
10/100 Ethernet
6-8 hours of battery life
Optional: Docking connection
I have purchased 4 cheap Dell's 14", and 3 HP Tablets. The cheapest tablets I could find, and still get the job done, were ~$1400. They can jump to $2000 in a heartbeat.
Businesses are now looking to capture data where it has been previously been overlooked. True, many industries have been automating their field operations for a number of years. Examples are delivery and service. But, there is so much more that can be done.
My company has experimented with various PDA's, Cingular 8125's, etc. But, we really need a device capable of running applications, not just email. So, I have created new, scaled-down, versions of the applications, suitable for low bandwidth conditions. Then we install Citrix Metaframe Client on the tablet. That allows us to run on OSX, Linux or Windows based tablets. The only traffic between the tablet and our Citrix servers is keystrokes, mouse movements and events, and screen refreshes. It is pretty tidy.
The main issue is the tablets. There is just not many good choices out there, or they are too expensive. These computers will take some abuse and have a higher likelihood of theft. So, I figure the cost will need to be amortized over 2 years (mean) of service life. Each unit will also require a Cingular (or equivalent) connection. That is ~$50/month. So, this is getting rather expensive, but it should not have to.
All of the components would be low-end and 1-2 generations old. Basically, this is a wireless thin-client, but with enough additional resources to act as a low-end laptop.
new T-Mobile Sidekick 4GI wouldn't mind if they offered a free "basic" email service with some iWork.com and iDisk stuff thrown in to compete with Google and Microsoft. I just hope they beef up the Pro service to make it worth it. Microsoft currently gives like 25GB away with SkyDrive for free and has like 10GB email storage (at least for students, I don't know if that's standard for Live).
Having to split 20GB between iDisk and email when I'm paying $70/year just sucks, to be honest.
So yeah, they can open a free version (with limited syncing capabilities and storage) that's ad-supported... I'd be fine with that. As long as they make the Pro version ad-free with more features than the free.
Why don't you use gmail for your email and allocate all your storage space to idisk? That's what I do.
failed T-mobile Sidekick.QCassidy352
Aug 2, 11:00 AM
Apple's been so boring this year, with a bluetooth might mouse just about the most exciting release thus far...
macbook pro? imac core duo? intel mini? macbook? :confused:
mac pro, xserve intel, leopard previews, maybe cinema displays, maybe something like a tablet that we haven't heard about.
no updates to imacs, macbooks, macbook pros, or minis. Those are minor speed bumps that will be done quietly over the coming weeks and months, not something to trumpet in a keynote.
The Sidekick 4G will sell forsadly with all the hype, real and otherwise, i won't be impressed with the first iteration even if it slices and toasts bagels for me. you gotta admit that some first apple efforts, while cool in design, limp out of the gate when compared to other manufacturers (how long did it take to get a CD-R in a laptop or desktop as one example)
that's not to say that i don't usually end up embracing what cupertino puts forth, please everyone understand that nokia, sony-e, motorola and the others have been doing phones far longer than apple. there's no possible way apple one-ups them on the first go.
shouldnew New+sidekick+My thoughts exactly. Our school district (ISD 482) just bought 1,465 iPads for its students, and I can see us getting really mad if Apple were to release a new iPad 6 mos. later.
So how is that much different from them releasing new iPads 11 months later... like they just did? All the iPads in use didn't suddenly stop working.
Here in civilized Connecticut we only pay 6%. LOL
It's important that Apple starts to devote some serious time to it's operating systems as well. I don't see any major drawbacks to delaying any potential new hardware introductions.
May 6, 05:40 AM
People need to know that chip making is effing hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unless ARM can best intel at what intel does best and that is making chips then Apple ain't(remember that this is a rumor) switching to ARM for their pcs and laptops. Hell no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Appple iPhone to be released. Thats my bet and no I havent YET gone to any other news site or Apple's site.
I think the reason why there is no new iphone this year is because maybe apple wants to come out with both at&t and verizone iphone at the same time next year. which would be less of a headache for both carrier and fans.
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