Because New York state is MayI have installed this and am running it now but I do have 1.75 TB of data on my drives to go through, I will update this when the scan is complete.
It all looks nice and simple anyway so far.
New York State MapSo if i'm getting this right then..
iPhone 5 to be unveiled in WWDC '11, but with iOS 4 firmware.
iPhone 5 to have Dual Core A5 processors and rumored bigger screen + other new tweaks
They will do a preview of iOS 5 though.
So WWDC '11 will focus a lot on Lion, which is amazing.
And we'll be seeing iOS 5 which is going to be a complete revamp? This is almost too good to be true! So i guess iOS 5 probably be using the Dual Cores in the iPhone 5, which would mean that some features will be omitted from the iPhone 4.
If Apple delivers then i won't mind waiting a few more months for iOS 5, so all in all WWDC '11 will be the deciding day.
Very good news.
But what's this about an iPad 3? I find that very hard to believe, since Apple clearly said that 2011 will be the Year of the iPad 2.
Political map with counties,NEWS:
November 23, 2006 CNN
NEW YORK (AP) -- Cell phone owners will be allowed to break software locks on their handsets in order to use them with competing carriers under new copyright rules announced Wednesday.
Given the above news, NO cellphone company may soon be subsidizing ANY phones.
Sure they will. They give you the phone at a discounted rate, or free, if you sign a service contract for X number of years.. which is how they get their money back.
The new rules are intended for people who buy the phones at full price, or decide to move to a competing carrier after they have fulfilled their obligations under their service contract/agreement.
The people this might sting would be outfits like Virgin Mobile, TracPhone, and other 'pre-paid' wireless companies, who often sell their phones at or below cost because they'll make up the money in sold airtime.
They hook you with the low price and no contract or monthly fee, but then sock you with .25 cents a minute or more airtime charges.
new york state map with citiesHammer God
Mar 28, 09:49 AM
Glad to read about Mac.
No so happy to read about the lack of iPhone hardware till possibly Sept :rolleyes:. I think if their going to wait until September, then we really need to consider the possibility of an LTE iPhone.
My thinking too. If, by waiting another three months, Apple could release an LTE version of the iPhone, this might make more sense for them.
Imagine what the holiday season would look like if more of their competitors were out with LTE phones and Apple was just standing pat with what amounted to a refresh of the iPhone 4. Instead, with an LTE iPhone out, they would avoid having tons of customers going over to Android.
Maryland State Counties CitiesDoes anyone know if this systems absolutely *REQUIRES* ECC RAM?
ECC is very expensive!
New York State/Counties Mapaldejesus
Mar 30, 11:05 PM
Good catch, I thought I saw 15"
I was sharing this because I found it interesting, its supposed to be just 384MB shared. Just thinking if Lion enables more memory shared??:rolleyes:
+state+map+with+countiesSophos provides solutions mainly for large corporations. Its as legitimate as it can get. Whats good about is the small foot print their software takes. So its all business and no nonsense "turbo meters" etc. like with Intego Virus Barrier. Honestly I have no idea why they are giving away Home version for free. The business solutions are expensive. Then again if you really want to sell to corporations it makes sense to give people free home versions to gain presence and goodwill. After all those free Home version using people work in corporations...
From this comment I can tell you have had absolute NO EXPERIENCE with the product.
We have had it in our company for 10 years and it's absolutely non-intrusive and hassle free.
Please don't generate noise if you don't have any relevant experience.
Nice! Thanks for the info...so I take it this is better than Symantec's product? I used to like their corporate product for Windows, but it got AWFUL as of version 11, so I'm hesitant to install the OS X version (we've got a site license) so it's nice to have an alternative finally!
New York City: Bronx, Queens,komodrone
Apr 26, 02:39 PM
"...in total penetration"
yeah I signed up for an account just to post this.
New York mapFake. Yet another chipset change would lead to many unnecessary problems.
Aug 4, 04:52 AM
please let it be in the mac mini...
New York State. Map of NewI think a successful device would need
1.2 GHz processor equivalent
80 GB storage
8 hours of battery life (5 playing an iTunes movie)
estimated cost to consumer $699.
I bet that won't happen with that price range. It would be more close to $1500 to $2500 level. I don't think Apple is looking for low end markets with this rumored product.
I prefer Apple Tablet would be the low-volume high price products.
Map of New York CountiesThe theme is fugly as can be anyway. I'd never put that on my phone.
Zoomable map showing new yorkDotComName
Apr 18, 04:50 PM
The Samsung UI skin for their Android smartphones copies iOS's UI design to the T! I don't think the tablet claim holds as much water, but they surely deserve to win on the grounds for the smartphone.. Samsung STRAIGHT UP copied there.
NEW YORK. 1832. FULL HAND COLOR. ENGRAVING. Detailed map showing countiesOk Ok, I was trying to be sarcastic but it didnt work... More mportantly amazon UK shipping all Macbooks in 1-2 weeks and apple uk shipping in a week....... I sense an update.
...or back to school rush
Kansas State Capitol Countiesappletastic
Aug 6, 03:18 PM
Due to the fact that the airport base station and the isight have been dropped from the apple store in the UK because of euro regulations.. I think these will both receive an update.
So Predication 1
Airport base station with built in dsl modem. To compete with the dlinks and belkins of this world.. I think the most difficult part of using a mac is getting it connected to the net. So it makes sense for apple to have a plug and play adsl modem with all the printer sharing and itunes remote speaker support.
Prediction 2
The continued integration of iSight into the line-up, so I expect to see iSight cinema screens, I also expect to see a 17inch screen to complement the mac mini with a built in iSight. iChat will receive an update with Leopard for VOIP and more integration with everything else.. There maybe a bigger screen, but I don't think this will happen.. There maybe an iSight replacement too which will have a much smaller form factor and will be usb, not firewire.
Prediction 3
No iPod announcements apart from increased sizes for the nano
Prediction 4
New Mac Pros with the same case, but with a slot loading front and bigger HD capacities and maybe more ports on the back. All intel pimped.
Prediction 5
Leopard out before Vista with Steve matching capabilities and blowing vista away...
Thats my pennies worth
Map of New York State withI don't think so, and I'm not being sarcastic.
Temperature is a great example. Celsius and Kelvin are fantastic for science and engineering for obvious reasons, but when it comes to everyday uses, Fahrenheit makes more sense. It's very intuitive to think of numbers on a 100 scale. That's why when you're looking at the weather or taking someone's body temperature, it's easier to get a grasp of what is "high" or "low." Fahrenheit is also more accurate for casual uses because it can express smaller changes more easily than Celsius.
I think I have to disagree. It may be easier for Americans to grasp the "highs" and "lows" of the Fahrenheit scale, but any European would have a different concept of high and low. Also, the difference in Celsius units is rather insignificant. For example, the difference between 37 and 38 degrees Celsius is 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit, hardly a noticeable difference when it comes to weather forecasts.
The metric system also lacks easy naming schemes for everyday sizes. Recipes, for example, would have to be written out in ml rather than cups or spoons. In such a situation, base 10 is not helpful at all because recipes are rarely divided or multiplied by 10. The metric system could in fact be worse for such applications because cutting 473 ml in half is more of a pain than cutting 2 cups in half (and yes, while recipes could theoretically be modified to be in flat metric ratios, the fact is that there are far too many recipes in existence already for that to be realistic in the short-medium term).
I'm not so sure. If a recipe calls for 2 tablespoons, is it not just as easy to measure out 30ml? Might using one graduated measuring "cup" be easier than a series of various-sized spoons and cups? For dry goods, grams are easily measured on a scale. With practice and experience, it's quicker and more precise than measuring exactly three cups of leveled flour: you can just sift the flour into your mixing bowl until the scale reads 375 grams. Indeed this method uses less dishes, too.
Are there really any benefits to the Customary scale, or do we just perceive benefits because it's what we're used to? And if the latter is the case, why make American students learn two systems of units when one fulfills all needs?
new york state counties,QCassidy352
Aug 2, 11:00 AM
Apple's been so boring this year, with a bluetooth might mouse just about the most exciting release thus far...
macbook pro? imac core duo? intel mini? macbook? :confused:
mac pro, xserve intel, leopard previews, maybe cinema displays, maybe something like a tablet that we haven't heard about.
no updates to imacs, macbooks, macbook pros, or minis. Those are minor speed bumps that will be done quietly over the coming weeks and months, not something to trumpet in a keynote.
The New York City water supplybdkennedy1
Mar 28, 09:59 AM
GOOD! I am tired of Apple's yearly release cycles.
New York (13 outislanders
Jul 22, 11:31 AM
Overdue? How do you figure that? If anything, the entire line is being changed faster than anyone expected. And, given the faster pace, most people have guessed that the MP will arrive at WWDC. So how can it be overdue?
When Apple announced the switch to Intel a lot of people predicted this happening sooner than what was projected. The Power Macs with G5 are the only non Intel Macs. That�s why I thought they were behind the others and overdue. The sooner this transition is over the better. I think the pros will need G5 for a while because it is stable and the Adobe software is not yet ripe enough for the Intel. There is also a demand for a desktop Intel Mac, for non pros. Some people like the open architecture and would rather buy into the future and use it for over 5 or 6 years. (just speculation)
I wonder if Apple will upgrade all models as fast as possible to expand market share and increase demand for third party apps to make the switch sooner than later?
May 7, 12:11 PM
Eric Schmidt's comments about privacy are disconcerting to me
This is after the whole Google Buzz fiasco. There's money in trying to convince people to be open. Facebook and Google data mine consumer behavior to make money and consumers need to act like they got a good education and understand where they are being used.
The assumption that those that want privacy are doing something illegal is asinine.
Zuckerberg (Facebook) on privacy (http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/facebooks_zuckerberg_says_the_age_of_privacy_is_ov.php)
Privacy is a lot like Laws. You give it up it's hard to get back.
Hey it's not a choice for everyone. I'm just at a point in my life where $6 and some change is going to put me out especially when my online data is not being mined for profit. I've been happier than I though I would with my MobileMe account. I'm on the west coast so i'm assuming my data center is in Cali and performance has been fine.
In the interest of winding this down (and allowing this thread to get back on track :-) I'll concede that Google has made more concerning statements about privacy than Apple (and as you note, information is much more directly related to their bottom line than it is to Apple's). However, I think these are only our perceptions about the situation. I think the reality is that regardless of whether you go with Google's for-pay or Apple's for-pay cloud services you're putting yourself in another companies hands. And I think the differences between how these large companies treat their users vs. how that relates to their income is extremely small. I think it's splitting hairs to differentiate between the privacy of their Cloud offerings (Facebook being an exception).
If you want real privacy there are better ways to obtain it. I use GnuPG when I want more privacy and less convenience, otherwise anything that's unencrypted that I send out or store on the Internet I treat (somewhat) as out of my hands. Obviously I have different expectations for Gmail vs my Tweets, but I still understand the hazards of storing any unencrypted information with any company, Google or Apple.
I wonder if it will actually come this time
Well it's certainly good to see new computers, but they really are aimed at high level tasks. These machines use server technology, rather than technology developed for the retail sector.
Interesting points I see are the use of ECC RAM (this is not at all unusual for servers, but very expensive because it's usually paid for by a company's server budget), and I didn't see any mention of onboard hardware RAID, which is a bit disappointing when you've got all of this other fancy stuff going on.
I'd also be interested to see, from an environmental perspective, how its power consumption levels compare with an equivalent consumer PC.
Apr 10, 12:52 PM
In regards to calculators and OSX spotlight
With the immediate execution mode of operation each binary operation is executed as soon as the next operator is pressed, therefore the order of operations in a mathematical expression is not taken into account. Scientific calculators have buttons for brackets and these calculators can take order of operation in to account
Different calculators follow different orders of operations. Most non-scientific calculators without a stack work left to right without any priority given to different operators
while more sophisticated calculators will use a more standard priority
Who said that this an equation? What is the variable that is unknown?
2 is still winning!
Well it is an equation as it is the same as as saying x=48/2(9+3)
That's Conroe. Merom can be put into the current iMac/Mac Mini. If you're adventureous to open the machines up or getting a third party installation. Otherwise you're looking at an entire logic board replacement for the laptops. It's probably better just to wait and buy an entire new laptop.
Read the Guide...
Read the link, the chip on that link was a Conroe, not a Merom.
What exactly was wrong with what I posted?
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