New York Yankees HatsVal-kyrie
Aug 11, 06:30 PM
Why would they give the Macbook that but leave the iMac with the original Core Duo? Doesn't make sense. I would think all three would get it or just the Macbook Pro.
No one said the iMac won't get the Conroe Core 2 Duo chip; just that MBP and MB will get Merom--I also expect the Mac Mini to receive a dual-core Merom. WWDC is for developers; Paris, for more consumer-oriented things. I think the big announcement at Paris will be that all of Apple's lineup will be 64 bit with a simultaneous unveiling of updated iMacs, Mac Minis, MBPs, and MBs--though I still wonder about a new form factor for the MBPs. If not at Paris, then I expect a new form factor with the debut of the Santa Rosa chipset and Leopard next Spring.
New era fitted mlb atlantawell i think it'd be great if Apple released this. but i'm not so sure it'll happen. would love it if it did, but i'll believe it when i see it
New York Yankees New Eradigitalbiker
Aug 11, 03:36 PM
Jesus! How much more expensive do you want it to be! the price diff is already almost �500 from top whitebook to bottom MBP!
You are quoting out of context. The original post was about lowering the MB cost and retaining the Yonah cpu.
The MBP would move to Merom and stay near the same price. Therefore the result would be a larger price differentiation and a larger performance differentiation.
Save: 67% off. New Yorki don't think it would appeal to that many people, to have an apple tablet.
i mean, the PC/Win versions aren't great sellers...
No, probably not...but maybe with some Apple magic the Tablet PC industry could finally take off. :o :)
New Era Red Bull 59fiftyChupa Chupa
Aug 4, 12:07 PM
Don't worry, I say this now -NO MBP CPU UPDATE AT WWDC- or till December for that matter.
I think that depends on what Dell, Sony, Toshiba, etc, come out with. No way is Apple going to still be selling a 2.16 Core Duo at it's top end laptop when the PC makers have Core 2 Duo chips. I'm pretty sure Apple will speed bump the MBP as soon after they get enough Meroms for production. Remember, they bumped the original MBP only 3 months after intro, and almost as soon as the faster chips were available.
New York Yankees New EraAnd Amazon thinks crippling ioS compatibility will be good business? FAIL.
I agree. I am absolutely convinced that Amazon's decision has nothing to do with the fact that their new cloud service gives free storage for MP3 files purchased from Amazon. Those idiots at Amazon probably still think that iOS is a close ecosystem where Apple restricts competitors in order to be able to rip off their loyal customer base.
New York Yankees Heavy Hitterphoto-video
Sep 15, 07:31 PM
This (http://switchtoamac.com/site/apple-will-soon-announce-a-macbook-pro-revison-heres-why.html) an a good read on why we may see a MacBook Pro revision very soon.
Makes sense to me
Nice explanation with evidence on current and past updates. I'm now convinced that there will be a MacBook Pro update this year. Photokina sounds like the ideal venue.
New York Yankees New EraYou can't do video or audio chat with Adium, and won't be able to for a year or two at least. :(
I'm just hoping for some official support sooner or later with iChat or the official standalone clients. :)
How is iChat actually? Ya know? Compared to MSN? I discussed it with someguy yesterday, ironically over MSN:p , and he said Adium is better... How is the GUI and also userfreindlinesses?:)
New York Yankees New EraKnightWRX
Apr 20, 06:21 AM
iPhone 4S
iPhone 3GS = 3rd iPhone
iPhone 4S = 5th iPhone.
Anyone still debating a "processor upgrade" isn't much of an upgrade grossly mistakes the upgrade the 3GS was over the 3G and that the 3G was over the original.
The 3GS basically shares the same internals as an iPhone 4, aside from RAM. Comestic upgrades are not any bigger than spec upgrades. And iPhone 4S would still be the 5th iPhone and thus the "iPhone 5" monicker is appropriate.
New York Yankees Black ToneSirHaakon
Mar 31, 02:11 AM
Maybe that rate wouldn't be bad, but if you read the article, that's not what they're charging. Beyond the initial free amount, its $1 per 1 gig, not $1 per 20 gigs.
You get 20 gigs if you buy an album on Amazon. Here's an album for a dollar:
You do the math.
San Francisco Giants New Eracaspersoong
May 6, 01:08 AM
This seems great. Hope ARM comes with a super-fast APU for computers before long.
Baltimore Ravens -purple- Blghostlyorb
Mar 30, 09:14 PM
No no no, we want useful UI improvements not iOS fluff.
Don't get me wrong.. I'm excited for Lion. But I don't want a ton of iOS in my Mac OS.
New York Yankees All-StitchedWining Switchers should be Apple's goal now.
Agreed. So that means...
Leopard - seemless Windows intergration...
Target the multimedia computer market with those wanting their HDTVs and iPods to connect to their new Mac. Make the mac part of the furniture and easy to operate.
Geek switchers. Along with Leopard / Windows, they will want decent gaming punch which means a Mac Box with pro features like replacable graphics cards but still price competative. I see a low/min Mac Pro. Could be the same machine or a variation of the multimedia one. That way 2 birds one stone.
Keep innovating. New tech stuff early. 802.11n. iPhones. Touch screens (without touch) etc.
New era fitted mlb cincinnatiLightSpeed1
Apr 5, 01:54 PM
I knew that was coming.
New York Yankees New Era BasicYes please, love things like it :)
Apr 7, 10:18 AM
If Apple was found to be abusing its position... yes. But this is NOT my point, my point was 'countries start to investigate Apple due to a shortage of components due to Apple buying up the available stock for a prolonged period of time'.
But they are not! :p
+bieber+wearing+purple+hatPretty textbook case of biting the hand that feeds you here, even if Samsung business units are separated.
Exactly! Samsung shouldn't be so quick to rip-off one of their biggest customers.
Or... not what you meant?
New York Yankees Winter HatDon't panic
May 6, 08:37 PM
it's quicker because we can explore two room each round instead of one, so we gain one turn.
the draw back from the strategy is mainly that one of the groups might loose out on a treasure, but since we already explored this rooms, and we have to re-search them only for traps, that part is moot.
this will apply only fron the next round, but by the rules we have to be two groups by then.
we will still be 'together, and we can merge back in a group any time.
anyways. without further ado,
We split
ucfgrad is now his own (single) group
Loras group moves to the next (previous room).
ufcgrad, now you should move to the room with us, and as soon it's our round again, you should explore the room. after that, I will move our group to the next room, then in your second tunr you move and in our second turn we explore that room.
Cleveland indians new eraIf Macs are based on ARM they should be able to run iOS apps, ARM Windows 8, ARM Linux, etc. And I wouldn't be surprised if there would be an "x86 Rosetta".
What u All expect for the new mAcbook pro?
mAybe something unexpected??suprise??
is that possible to have blue-ray ROM??hehehe..:eek: :eek:
Apr 9, 09:22 PM
BS. The only lesson to be learned here is that teachers devise lame pneumonic devices to confuse kids. If you're so damn smart, why wouldn't you properly write the correct equation with proper groupings in the first place?
Look at the poll, the groups divided about 50/50. Great job you and your teaching pals did. So much for "perfectly noted." This example is a classic glass half full/empty exercise.
Tastes great. (who's with me):p
I explained why it might be written the way it is, you choose to ignore that like you ignored all the other facts here. The group is divided because some people just don't learn, we have posted exactly why pemdas gives the correct answer when used properly but stubborn people here still say things like well... It's half full/half empty. No, it's not. It's black and white and if you can't see that by now, you never will. Some people just can never admit to mistakes and will never learn anything. Don't blame the teachers...
I am positive that Apple will bring a twist into the mobile telephony market, something revolutionary nobody could think that it will work.
And in 2 years from now everybody will state: Yes, Apple did it again.
I bet they do the following:
- Follow the KISS (Keep it stupit simple) concept and build on there current iPOD success!
The new iPhone will be a WIFI iPOD with Skype (or something alike) build in. A high quality camera and Bluetooth Stereo Wireless will complete the hardware.
The software will allow "on the go" chat, blogging, videocasts, RSS and a mobile safari browser.
Strategy: Replace the need for an iPOD´s and provide the best personal communication tool
- Eliminate traditional phone contracts with MobilePhone operators.
Apple will aquire "FON" and build the largest hotspot community in the world where every iPhone user can communicate for free.
This is my prediction. :)
P.S. Too bad for palm, but it is not enough just to build the best smartphone. You need to win the community...
If the Keynote is on the first day of the Expo that would be the 12th.
The iPod offere ends on the 16th, the end of the Paris Expo.
You might have to place your order online as I expect they wouldn't be in stores by then, but you [we] should be all set.
If the Mac Book is update before then you are not getting free ipod with it...
i can't wait!! and it's gonna be so hard buying a Macbook tomorrow and not being able to open it til the 7th!
Ah, you're buying it at that tax-free thing right? This is a nice idea.
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