adding Vin+diesel+odyLooking at the TouchWiz UI, I see your point.
But, at what point does an interface become too generic? For example, the concept of pages of icons in a grid isn't really new or innovative. The concept of swiping across screens is simple and intuitive and should be copied for that exact reason. Should other phone makers put the icons in a circle, "just because" they need to be different? Should they force you to do something differently just because the best and most intuitive way was "already taken"?
Everyone loves car analogies, so: what if Ford decided to sue other carmakers because they copied their steering wheel design? Would other companies have been forced to adopt other types of controls -- joysticks or dials or foot pedals, perhaps -- "just because"? And would that have been good for the auto industry?
Great way to put it. The icon based UI isn't even close in complexity and innovation to say webOS notifications - which most will end up copying but HP/Palm folks are probably not gonna get cocky about it - as John Rubinstein said - imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
vin diesel body stats.I can't get to excited about this, it will take me 10 hours to download 2GB :eek:
10 hours? Luxury. I dream of being able to download 2GB in 10 hours.
It'll take me over 4 days.
vin diesel body wallpaperVery true. Listen to the man.
There's many analysts that believe ARM will supersede Intel.
Well, first of all, don't confuse *x86* with Intel. Intel has made ARM chips in the past (XScale, StrongARM), and might in the future (including a recent rumor about apple moving to using Intel's foundries for the A5 later in the year, and the A6 or whatever the next chip will be called). For that matter, there are other x86 designers and foundries (AMD and Global Foundries & VIA) and Intel has had several other arches of its own. Intel is the largest chipmaker in the world, ARM is a chip design corp that does excellent work and licenses their work to foundries and other design houses - they're not remotely similar companies except in the sense that they both work on CPUs.
The ARM arch *may* one day supersede x86, but *Intel* isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
In the short term I don't see that happening quite yet, ARM usually focuses on low power first, not performance, and while there is a convergence in the netbook/phone/tablet areas, an iMac, MP, or MBP based on any current ARM designs for example would be woefully underpowered compared to an x86 design.
Apple licensing Mac OS X to Dell.
If it were done well I can think of plenty of people that would like OSX Server on Poweredge blades
vin diesel body. vin dieselThere are claims by some analysts that Amazon is going to kick the crap out of Apple's Maiden, N.C. data center and Netflix in one quick shot with their own cloud service.
For the Kindle, or for their new Appstore? Apple still has the upper hand with iTunes, and the real App Store.
vin diesel body wallpaperTomtomnovice
Jan 24, 10:58 AM
I sent an e-mail to Tomtom. We'll see what they say. Funny how this info about temperature range isn't available anywhere, and if it is, I could not find it.
vin diesel body wallpaper. vinWOW! 8 years???!?! thats hella of a long time! :eek:
Vin Diesel - Actor, Body, Hot,Great...until you need to do a reinstall. While you could go 10.6 >10.7, going straight to 10.7 is so much better.
Except when your HD becomes toast...
Currently I can create a DVD from the developer preview of Lion. The installation program is provided as a DMG file, so it is relatively easy to create the DVD. Of course an average user wouldn't find the whole thing that easy, so I suppose Apple will provide some other solution. The option to buy the DVD will of course be available.
vin diesel body wallpaper.Apple never was a part of Mhz rat-race. Look at its bestselling Powerbook. How fast was it compared to the then PC laptops. Anyways, WWDC is suppose to be developers conference, so we should speculate more about Leopard and hopefuly MacPros (because they are long due) insted of iPods and MBPs.
It sure was! Anyone remember when the Pismo hit 400MHz, and Intel's best was still at 333MHz (or somethign to that effect)?
Vin Diesel shows off his odyMorphingDragon
May 6, 06:13 AM
What uncanny timing-- a couple of days after Intel comes out with their 3D chip thing, sending ARM's share price tumbling to artificially affordable prices, this rumour comes out which, if widely accepted, would boost ARM's share price greatly. Someone could potentially make a lot of money out of this. Especially as Semiaccurate's sources are anonymous, I reckon this rumour should be treated with great scepticism.
I didn't think ARM's stocks would be so volatile.
you…all over his ody…LegendKillerUK
Mar 26, 10:43 PM
iOS was last announced in April which was slightly later than the year before. I don't see it jumping from April to June for an announcement. It also won't be so heavily cloud based - it's simply wishful thinking.
find our mail. Vin Dieselcitizenzen
Apr 14, 09:57 AM
Take that, fivepoint. Where has he been btw? Haven't seen him around here in a while.
I'll bet he moved on to forums where his ideas were more warmly accepted.
On the issues of taxes ... tax me more!
Sure, tax the rich more too.
But every American should be chipping in to solve the issues that we're facing.
We're in the lifeboat, and the water's rising. Everybody pick up a pail and start bailing.
t-shirtjan Vin+diesel+odyNinjaHERO
Apr 25, 10:27 AM
Since only I can access the info, who cares?
This is not a real issue. Ridiculous.
vin diesel body stats. vinMaybe the low end MacBook will keep Yonah and get a price drop, while the higher end MacBook, black and white, will get Merom. That might lead to the most sales, to both those looking for a cheaper MacBook, and those waiting for Merom.I don't think Apple should divide a single line between Core Duo and Core 2 Duo. The average idiot customer won't be able to conprehend why Merom is performs better at the same clock speed as Yonah. Between two entirely separate product lines it's not a problem. Unless you start throwing in products with Yonah/Merom at the same clock speed. Watch those heads spin.
do to get Vin Diesel abs.Really?? I thought heat and battery life issues are directly connected to cpu chips. I wonder why they didn't put G5 in Powerbook :confused:
1 - I don't know what overheating you talk about, apart from some cases that have been dealt with under AppleCare;
2 - Apple has probably the best battery life of the industry for such a notebook range...and no, don't tell me about 10" microbooks;
3 - the SD thing is due to the thin enclosure, a clear design paradigm at Apple...nothing else.
vin diesel body stats.Hard for me, even as an Apple fan, to weep too much for a company that chooses to do business overseas isntead of here in America, employing Americans.
Hopefully the situation in Japan improves -- for reasons beyond this.
ah nothing like starting the day with a bit of ignorance. :cool:
Get Vin Diesel back here!
BodyApple is extremely proactive. Which means they have a plan in place. When competition does something good that fits with their plans, then Apple can add it as a line item to their existing plans and assign it to a specific iOS release.
The competition on the other hand is defining their plans and goals completely based on what Apple does or what Apple's critics are saying. They do not have a very long-term vision of where they want to be and are by-and-large reactionary to what Apple is doing.
I will say that Google does indeed have a long-term vision, but not for Android's features. Google's long-term vision is to do anything they can to ensure they sit in between the user and the information on the Internet so they can advertise to them. They see Facebook as a major threat in this regard as well as Apple. Google's long-term plans are being disrupted by these other major players. Android/Honeycomb is a reactionary attempt to correct for some of that.
Good to see some people get it. It is weird how so many people here that think things like the Tab,Xoom, and Playbook will inspire Apple to keep improving. I am not sure how companies that are releasing products that will all be ranked by independent reviewers as similar or inferior to the iPad 1 will inspire Apple to do anything. They can't even inspire consumers to buy them.
vin diesel body fat.LightSpeed1
Apr 5, 01:54 PM
I knew that was coming.
vin diesel body fat.My money is on iMac and iPod nano updates in Paris, MacBook in November, the Long awaited Media Mac Mini at Macworld, new video iPod along with the launch of iTunes Video Store, as well as the long rumored new games for the iPod. Maybe a new iSight that is small enough to clip onto the iPod? Bah, I am getting way too carried away. Back to the point, since this is a pro targeted conference, it makes perfect sense for the MacBook Pro and Mac Pro to make appearances.
A little over the top, but agreed. WWDC is a developer confernce, so Leopard and the Mac Pro. I'd be surprised if he even mentions Merom. Forget about MB, they just came out and Steve won't kill sales during the back to school promo. Geez, he's a genius, not a moron...
Apr 19, 02:22 AM
Where is this "extreme left" of which you speak? The furthest left we have in government is probably Dennis Kucinich, who is really barely left of center, AFAICT. The problem is that we have people who think compromise means " Just do what we want any nobody gets hurt." rollercoasters belong in the funpark, not the capitol.
Please forgive me for being crass, but your math, you have to buy me a new calculator, it made my old one explode. ;)
That 5 billion was supposed to be the total government debt, not just the debt for the current year. I just never got around to using it in my example.
EDIT: You can also say that we don't have an extreme right since no right congressman is proposing total anarchy or privatization of the police departments. It's all relative to the country we are in. I am aware that there are further left people in other countries. There are also countries that allow the cutting off of hands for small crimes. Would we allow an idea like that in this country? I don't think so.
Apr 23, 06:21 PM
Bogus story because Apple would never fit graphics cards capable of outputting at that res in the iMacs or laptops. Plus I don't think any single monitor can have that resolution that you can buy today?
Do you understand technology?
If Apple were worried that Samsung would withdraw their products, Apple wouldn't have sued, or would have set up back up measures. They're not stupid!
Jan 7, 09:10 AM
I tested my replacement dock this morning with no issues. I actually love this thing when it is working properly. It makes the whole "iPhone in the car" experience so much cleaner. I hop in the car, pop the iPhone into the mount, and it's ready for both music and nav. I also like how the TomTom app pauses the music during its voice instructions. Some people had complained about it being too abrupt, but it doesn't bother me at all. To be honest, I don't talk on the phone very much while driving, so I've only had one phone call using the bluetooth. That call was fine, but I don't have enough experience with it for a proper review.
May 4, 09:09 PM
To everyone afraid that they wouldn't be able to do a fresh reinstall, how about a bootable Mac App Store recovery partition!
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