lack ops prestige symbolsnow if apple can build a laptop that won't give me a first degree burn we're in business :cool:
Tell me about it!
COD Black Ops Prestige SymbolsImho a stupid way to slow down your system. Enjoy your Mac without a antivirus, just be smart installing software.
15TH PRESTIGE Cod Black OpsIT's official, I am waiting untill next month.
Black ops prestige symbolsAnonymous Freak
Apr 21, 05:40 PM
You mean depth. 1U's are DEEP.
Image (http://i.imgur.com/sM1sK.jpg)
They don't have to be deep:
There is nothing about rack-mounting that REQUIRES a deep computer, it's just a common compromise to make up for the lack of height.
CoD Black Ops Prestige Levelprincealfie
Mar 28, 11:00 AM
Started a new contact this month with the Verizon iPhone 4. I don't need any new phone for at least 2 more years. Perhaps I need a new laptop.
cod lack ops prestige symbols
Duty: Black Ops PrestigeO man, so many years of waiting for a new look of what was known as the AI PowerBook. Now they aren't releasing it yet, i cross my finger. PLEASE CHANGE THE LOOK ALREADY!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: if not i'll just get an iMac :( :( :(
lack ops prestige symbols ps3MacDailyNews.com is carrying a story saying there is a rumor out there that the MobileMe service will become free at some point.
Interesting concept if the rumor is true!
Then they better improve the performance first. If they offered it free then more users would really bog down the current MobileMe
lack ops prestige symbols inNow THAT's what I would like:
"Since the release of the 15 inch MacBook Pro in January, speculation on the forthcoming Apple laptops is spreading throughout the net. Meanwhile, MacosXrumors has received a very unexpected report, providing information about one of the forthcoming MacBook Pros.
The sources that can be qualified as �very reliable� (yes you read it well), are claiming that Apple plans to keep similar display size for its entry level Mac Book Pro by releasing what sources called an �ultra-thin 12 inch Mac Book Pro�."
Source: www.macosxrumors.com
I would buy one on the same day.
cod lack ops prestige symbolsLOL I keep checking the Bottomline Telecommunications site for updates that they received their shipment and my shipment is emminent. Oh well patience is a virtue. Did I mention that i wasn't virtuous. LOL
wii lack ops prestige symbolsBJB Productions
May 7, 11:29 AM
"It should be free. It's craptastic; painfully slow and full of bugs."
--I agree with you, this is why I dumped it; I did not want to pay $90 for a service that was slow, and buggy. I switched to Gmail, although I still liked Mobile Me calendar, photos etc better.
If they want to compete with Google, I think this is a good idea. I like Gmail better than Mobile me mail, but I love the other features of Mobile me like calendar, photos, iDisk, etc. Google has also still a very "basic" feeling to me. While Apple has a much nicer look and more options.
Black Ops Prestige Symbolsmdntcallr
Aug 11, 11:11 AM
apple needs to introduce a computer which is between the mac mini and the mac pro tower.
I want a mini tower, with 2 pci slots. you know something in the price range of $899-999 usd.
where i can upgrade the graphics card or order it with a better graphics card.
Some of us do not want to be tied to the imac screen/body. I love to be able to upgrade my own computer's graphics card.
Cmon apple. give us a mid tier system we can upgrade ourselves. The Macmini just doesnt cut it. virtually the only thing in that we can chance is the CPU, Memory or hard drive.
lack ops prestige symbols forDont Hurt Me
Aug 7, 03:47 PM
The old Macfanclub hating the gamer , we have heard it before. There isnt any reason Macs cant game. You buy a thousand or two thousand machine it should be able to game. Mini cant.............Powermac is pure Overkill workstation. A gigantic hole for sure. Here's to the Mac gamers ! Its folks like you that have kept the fun in Mac :D Work Sucks:) edit in response to thataboy
COD Black Ops Prestige SymbolsI meant Geforce GO7800, a mistake on my part.
I did some more poking around, and apparently, a Go 7900 model (90nm) that has a TDP rated at around 10% more than the rated TDP of the X1600.
That might be possible. Based on that the Go 7700 80nm should easily consume less power than the current X1600, and given the base 7600 was faster than the X1600, the 7700 (based on the 7600GS) should offer significant speedup for 3D.
It'll be interesting to see if Apple favors Intel with the AMD-ATI merger/buyout, too.
Finally, there's always the (rather unlikely, admittedly) possibility that the MBPs (perhaps just the 17"?) would offer MXM slots; currently, MXM means nVidia.
lack ops prestige symbolsThere's no way that Apple is gonna switch to ARM for their Mac lines when it already took them a decade to make the transition from IBM to Intel processors.
I thought the transition was noteworthy. Not quite flawless, but who else has switched architecture so perfectly?
Black Ops Prestige Symbols 153 - If Merom, etc.. are 32bit, then 10.4.7 is 64bit? :confused:
10.5 will be 64 bit, 10.4.x is not.
Black Ops Prestige EmblemsI agree but think likely by Thanksgiving. I think mini will get the 1.66 GHz Core 2 Duo Combo and 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo Superdrive upgrades thus ending the last Mac to have only one core as well as the end of all 32-bit Macs. :)
Yeah I'd hedge on that bet too. Makes sense, if not faster?
cod lack ops prestige icons.Change for the sake of change is not a good thing, and I am sure that is not why apple would be doing it. Technologies more than anything else changes rapidly. If ARM has a breakthrough technology in the pipe,and Apple is aware of it, surely they would be prepared to jump ship.
No one can think Apple would change stream, and not know what they were getting into. Innovation is Apples niche, and seems to be working well for them. Imagine if ARM is developing a revolutionary concept in processor technology that makes current transistors look like vacuum tube technology. It could happen! Who would argue that in 20 years computing and processor technology will be vastly different than what we see today. Who's to say that it couldn't happen in 2-5 years.
the lack ops prestige icons.(have not read all the posts, so forgive me if already pointed out)
Uh....the phone companies track you and know where you are....they have to so that you can get a signal from a cell tower...so why is this a big deal?
Made a poll in the Mac OS X Lion forums. Vote your preferred way of distribution :)
Who cares? I thought this was macrumors not android news...
Which is why, of course, US News reports that 6 out of the top 10 universities for engineering and IT are not in the US? Once upon a time the US owned that list.
Fine, but prove to me it's because of the metric system.
So your attitude is "if I can't have it, I don't want anyone to have it."?
Whether it comes out or not, you won't be getting one. So why would it matter either way?
He was joking. lighten up.
Could "Conroe" ever make its way into a Mac Mini? Or would it just cause the mini to melt into a metalic puddle on the desk?
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