stock photo : Easter bunniesNot really.
JB is not illegal, its my right to JB my device. Sure, it voids your warranty - but thats a risk.
Apple may say its illegal, but Apple's word does not override the law of the land.
A bevy of unnies and babygadget123
Apr 20, 01:44 PM
It will have an 8MP camera did we not read they are using Sony?
Won't be a massive upgrade then? :confused:
Categories include Easter Egg,they guy says it's the sleekest phone he's ever seen? i wonder if it incorporates this "none-touch" interface that was posted earlier in the week for the iPod. that'd be pretty awesome.
Bunnies, eggs, Easter giftsThe main reason that it will never happen -> they never will charge the gas by the liter, they want to keep it by the gallon...and continue increasing the price, if they change to the liters...a lot of people will be confused and start to complaint and blame the price increases on the metric system...wait they may want to use it as a smoke flare....hum,....:confused:
$1.38 per litre for gas sounds cheaper ... Gas pricing may be the reason the US adopts the metric system
Easter Bunny + Chicks in EggMickyDees
Apr 18, 02:47 PM
I guess I can see Apple's point. But, aren't all tablets going to have a similar style and interface? It would seem like there can be only marginal differences in a touch screen interface.
Easter eggs amp; baby chicks-While I am excited I'm still not convienced we can conquer the bandwidth issues for higher resolution sources. What I would really like to see (yes I'm dreaming, copywrite, etc) is iTunes to let me do what I do for music with my movies. I realize you can do this today, but lets make it built in and easy. I put a DVD in and iTunes asks me if I want to "rip" it into my video library. The fattest download pipe is when I buy a DVD off the shelf and take it home.
At 15$ a pop I'd rather have a physical DVD. I'm one of the odd ones that was/is hoping for rental subscriptions. I would like the same model as netflix except with the downloads. I pay a monthly fee and can download and watch x movies at the same time. The beauty over netflix there is if I want to watch a movie, I can have it relatively faster then waiting for it to ship.
Finally I of course want a real video ipod. Even if the content isn't all available yet from iTunes, I can make my own and will have the new hardware form factor. One year and holding I am waiting to upgrade my old 3G ipod with dying battery.
Easter Eggs, Bunny, ChicksJesterJJZ
Apr 22, 12:00 AM
During the Sundance Film Festival which happens here, we were ingesting nearly 12 hours of footage and producing 6 hours of content (live shows, pre-taped shows, packaged shows) a day.
Not to sound harsh or anything, but maybe you guys should be charging more for your services. The way you described how much work you guys are doing over there, you should be able to afford a new MacPro for everyone there...and maybe a couple grip trucks...
easter-unnies-eggs-ladybugs-butterflies-chicks-bees Free Software Downloads and Reviewsmichaelrjohnson
Aug 3, 11:55 AM
Or a banner for Paris Expo? Hope not.
They are not setting up for the Paris expo for a long time. There is no chance of this being for Paris, IMO. :)
stock vector : Vector Easterrodriguise
May 6, 03:51 AM
I can see apple maybe putting an ARM chip in the macbook so it can run in low power tablet mode, but to complete replace the CPU really makes no sense. However lots that the do seldom makes sense, so who knows. The reason I won't be buying a mac again is simply because they are severly underpowered, gaming really sucks on them compared to what you can get on a PC.
Bunny and chick Easter eggI know that many Blue Tooth features of my Motorola cell phone is disabled by Verizon. <---snip---> Remember simple things like ring tones, photos & such could easilly be transferred from the cell phone to your home computer. But this is not usually allowed. Could this be because the cell phone companies allow these features only to add to their revenue stream, not to give the cell phone user some additional user or usuable feature?
I'm glad when I got my RAZR I didn't go with Verizon. I can and have BT transferred photos and sounds between my PowerBook and my phone. Heck, I even have Eric Idle as a messenger getting nailed in the chest by an arrow and saying "Message for you, sir" as my voicemail notification. (Most apropos, I thought.)
And yes, obviously I can see why they'd want to do that. I've sent many megs of data back and forth, and I've have had to pay a small fortune to do that if I was going through my carrier (Cingular, btw). BT cuts that all out completely.
This is an example of what I hate about the computer industry, and without going into a long, multi-paragraph dissertation on the matter, companies are so [blankety-blank-blank] greedy that they are unwilling to allow their customers to do very much with their products without having to keep forking over cash to them. This is not the way to have a successful business with legions of hard-core, loyal customers. But then, business thinking these days is so incredibly short-term that the whole concept of really turning your customers into long-term repeat customers is not even a goal they find worth bothering to strive for. Pay lip service to, yes; actually do, no.
Easter bunnies, colored eggs…LOL WUT? You're honestly going to count emulated games (pirated in almost all cases) as Android games?
Why wouldn't you count those as games? They are available for Android. They are not available on iOs.
Easter Bunny Coloring SheetsDon't bite the hand that screws you. :eek:
the easter bunnies, chicksI was sharing this because I found it interesting, its supposed to be just 384MB shared. Just thinking if Lion enables more memory shared??:rolleyes:
No it's doesn't. Snow Leopard also reports 512MB
I made these Easter Bunny,what are the apple guys gonna' do with the mac mini! Im in the market for one w/edu discount! I'm waiting boys! What processors would you think the mac mini will adopt? End of core solo?
I think the mini is the worst performing machine they have on the market [it does use the slowest processors]. I am expecting an accross the board upgrade [MB, MBP, iMac, mini]. At the very least, higher end Yonas in the mini. I can also see Apple making the mini a BTO model like the MBP. That really simplifies the order process for the customer.
Bunny Bag with Egg and ChickExcellent. Now it's time to wait for the sub-$2000 "Pro" desktop announcement. There's a suspicious gap in their lineup. Mac Pro Cube (http://macprocube.com), perhaps?
Agreed.I was heartened to see no Core 2 duo low end for this very reason.
Easter Bunny DecalsWith the cloud computing stuff there is too much additional fees. I'm not interested.
I already pay for my hardware that sits in my house.
I already pay for my mobile hardware that goes with me.
I already pay for operating system and other software updates for both.
I already pay my ISP for connectivity.
I already pay my phone provider for connectivity (actually my ISP).
I already pay my web host company for bandwidth and disk space.*
I'm NOT interested in paying Apple another subscription fee on top of all that.
Access to my data from my mobile devices should be transparent and should be part of their shared OS. No need for more billing complexity.
*Why don't I self-host on my home machine? Bandwidth limits of my ISP and the fact that they are a monopoly. A server farm offers orders of magnitude faster connectivity.
easter bunnies and chicks andHow many did iOS have FOR the iPad when it was announced? FIVE, and they were the five that APPLE created, but hey, live in your world.
Really? Your talking about apps ready at the announcement? let's talk launch day...
Apple had a phenomenal launch for the iPad. There were over 1000 apps available specifically for the iPad on launch day, with many 100's more appearing every week.
It was literally the strongest new product launch that I have ever experienced.
They managed the release of a new product where the quality and quantity of apps felt like the product had been around for years.
(sure, leveraging iOS helped, but Google failed at leveraging the same opportunity for their Honeycomb launch)
easter-unnies-eggs-ladybugs-Finally a screen quality on my MBP to rival that of my iP4! Hopefully the next MBP refresh will bring these retina displays!!!
Easter bunnies, eggs andI'm definitely holding out for Merom now since it seems like it's coming within the month. Customers Christmas shopping will compare laptops across all brands and if Apple isn't sporting a Merom they're gonna lose a lot of laptop sales. And I'm willing to wait since OS X 10.5 is even more 64-bit than 10.4 is, I'd be nice to have a 64-bit processor instead of a 32-bit processor running a 64-bit OS (yes i know 10.5 will run on 32-bit processors), although the overall benefits are up to discussion.
So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna buy the memory today (long story I have to spend within the week 200 dollars store credit at CompUSA) and put it in the Macbook when I get it, hopefully within the month.
I'm correct in assuming that Yonah and Merom takes the EXACT same type/speed of ram right?
As far as I know there are now only two types of RAM in the lineup. 667 DDR2 in the Mac mini, iMac, MB, MBP and FB-DIMS in the Mac Pro and Intel Xserve. A local dealer I spoke to loves this. It really makes stocking RAM much easier.
I'd bet that Steve Jobs has a jailbroken iPhone with biteSMS because he knows how awesome it is to be able to quick send/reply...
You are so right. I'm thrilled with Apple's brainwashed minions, and even happier that I began loading up on Apple stock over a decade ago.
Little did I realize they would bring us shareholders so much wealth. To think that I bought a load of shares when it was under $20 per, then kept adding each year since, brings a huge grin.
At this point everything I buy is nearly free. And when they screw up the masses still buy it. Nothing could be sweeter.
Please enlighten us oh mighty one, on how Apple has "screwed up". After all we're just minions as you claim with no clue about anything, who buys whatever we are told. /sarcasm
That is awesome. I can't wait for a Retina display Macbook Pro. Yeah!
Apr 5, 07:36 PM
Looks like a cool theme. I'm sure it's on a repo somewhere!
Nov 27, 06:15 AM
I want a device that I can check email on the go, sign documents, sketch a quick idea, circle an interesting part of an article for someone to look over, browse the web with ease, control my other computers/servers, take a picture and write some notes on it so that someone can get a better idea of what I'm thinking and countless other possibilities I haven't thought of.
I feel like this is the sort of market Apple would go for if they do consider going into some kind of 'tablet' machine. It doesn't have to move mountains, but be simplistic in form and function. I love the portability of my laptop, but would consider buying something like this if it let me do basic web surfing, play my iTunes music/videos, check email, and write with a slide-out style keyboard. But the challenge will be if they can get it at a $499 price point; that's my limit, at any rate. :(
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