and singer Hayley Williamsreachingforsky
Aug 4, 01:17 PM
I hope we're all in for surprises at WWDC. Up until then, this is all speculation. It's fun to speculate and to try to be cool by being right, but I hope they knock everyone's socks off with the unexpected.
of Hayley Williams loveCURRENT KNOWN MAP:
1. Rosius: Level 2, 2 HP, 2 AP
2. Dante: Level 2, 2 HP, 2 AP
3. Beatrice: Level 2, 2 HP, 2 AP
4. Rhon: Level 2, 2 HP, 2 AP
5. Wilmer: Level 1, 1 HP, 1 AP
6. Loras: Level 2, 2 HP, 2 AP
7. Jorah: Level 2, 2 HP, 2 AP
hayley williams paramore hair.SiliconAddict
Nov 22, 11:23 PM
You took the words right out of my mouth.
I remember when Napster and Rio laughed at the iPod and iTunes, and 5 years later.:rolleyes:
The difference? For all intents and purposes the iPhone is a toy. phone + music. there is nothing wrong with catering to the average consumer. But the simple fact is businesses will not give it even a half second thought before they move on. Yes admittedly we have yet to see the final specs and features but without a touch screen and without a thumb keyboard the business world will pat Apple on the head, tell them that "awww isn't that cute", and walk away. Its not a business tool its a consumer product. A product that will sell like mad in traditional phone vs. iPhone markets but Blackberrry/Treo vs. iPhone? Not a chance in [bleep].
PS- That being said I WANT to be proven wrong. I want Apple to provide an expierence that covers music\contacts\calendar\todo\e-mail all in one sexy device but watching Apple over the years I've lost faith they they will try anything daring. Anything that really does take on the big guys. I'm willing to bet that whatever is released will be music\phone and if you are REALLY lucky limited calendar\contacts with no way to imput info. Prove me wrong Apple. Please.
hayley williams hot photos.Actually, I just realized the real irony in this comment Palm made!
:D :D
It's rather funny, Palm is saying "PC guys" can't design a phone, but last I checked, Palm got their butt whooped so bad by some "PC guys" that run a little company called Microsoft, that all of their new products run that OS!
Hypocritical, no? :eek: :D
Singer Hayley Williams appearsThe data (http://www.ted.com/talks/hans_rosling_asia_s_rise_how_and_when.html) would say otherwise...
Number 41 is correct. Anyone who doubts that globalization is a lowering of American standard of living is a damned fool. The people who say otherwise do so because it hasn't hit them yet, but it will eventually. Some of you sound like you live in your parents basement and others sound like yuppie pricks. Just wait, it will happen to you, too!
Hayley Williams Shoesmrblack927
Apr 20, 08:27 AM
Believe it or not about 1/2 of iPhone 4 owners believe they have a 4g phone.
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Aug 11, 10:16 PM
It would be cool for them to keep the yonah in the low-end MacBook. That way with the price drop they could get back to a $999 entry-level notebook.
Merom definitely in the Black Macbook though, if this is true.
Great News! Still hoping for a case redesign in the MBP for mine. :)You can buy the Yonah entry MacBook on the SAVE page of the Apple online store for $949 already. Been so for months. They are not going to keep putting Yonah in anything. Merom cost them the same money. No incentive to keep putting 32-bit processors in anything any longer than they must because the future is Leopard and Leopard is all about full 64-bit support.
MacBook Pro is very likely redesigned for Merom including that easy HD swap out capability that's already in the MacBook Pro Jr. - I mean MacBook. :eek: :D
Here's how I see Apple using Merom:
MacBook Pro gets these two:
Core 2 Duo T7600 - 2.33 GHz (4 MiB L2, 667 MHz FSB) 15" Top $2499 & 17" $2799
Core 2 Duo T7400 - 2.16 GHz (4 MiB L2, 667 MHz FSB) 15" Bottom $1999
MacBook Gets these two:
Core 2 Duo T7200 - 2.00 GHz (4 MiB L2, 667 MHz FSB) Superdrive Black $1499 & White $1299
Core 2 Duo T5600 - 1.83 GHz (2 MiB L2, 667 MHz FSB) Combo White $1099
Mac mini gets these two:
Core 2 Duo T5600 - 1.83 GHz (2 MiB L2, 667 MHz FSB) Superdrive $799
Core 2 Duo T5500 - 1.66 GHz (2 MiB L2, 667 MHz FSB) Combo $599
I wish they would stop selling Combo Opticals. They could use Single Layer Superdrives as a differentiator instead.
hayley williams hot pics.I think that Apple will introduce IOS 5 in June/July, when it introduces the iPhone 5 (assuming that's what they call it). If there is some aspect of ios 5 that they can't get ready until Fall, they may have an ios 5.3 update in the Fall. But holding off on ios 5 until the fall will simply make the iP5 less appealing...and introducing ios 5 when you don't have a product to sell is simply a waste.
And I don't buy the iPad 3 in the fall rumor, either.
quot;Hayley Williams, Hot orbella92108
Apr 5, 02:27 PM
I don't see what the big deal is. Of course Apple is going to try to minimize the risk of the jailbreak community. They want to avoid headlines about spyware and such that creep out of the jailbroken community. It's just good PR.
Queue the hitler response.....
And when Hitler's constituents thought he was wrong, he decided to annihilate those who didn't want to see things his way too. Destroying opposition rather than improving one's self is way's a "#WINNING" thing to do.
Wow, I gotta get some credit for that one... Charlie Sheen, Apple, and Hitler all in one sentence!
Hayley Williams Goes HotSteve121178
Apr 26, 04:38 PM
These smartphone stats are quite interesting. We have a open plan office and when I look around me I see about 5 iPhone 4's, 3 iPhone 3GS's and 1 android. :rolleyes:
Also look at how much money Apple has in the bank now in relation to their smartphone market share...
What's that got to do with anything?
Hayley Williams is a redheadWhat is Apple's business in Toyota's advertisement? Jailbroken or not, WTF? It's not like it's a public iPhone burning ceremony.... THAT would be awful! :D
Hayley Williams PicsI'm not convinced it's as dire as people are making it out to be. Either way, both Apple and Amazon have full rights to access users files on both services for various reasons.
What are your fears on the Amazon terms that don't exist on the MobileMe ones? (Perhaps I'm being dense so some clarification is in need!) :D
Anyone storing remotely anywhere should be aware that they've signed away some rights, of course. FWIW I don't use MobilMe for storage, or for anything else presently.
Someday it would be nice to be able to wirelessly sync my devices through it for free, but that's a different topic :p
What I see is Amazon being explicit here in that they can retain, use and disclose your data in any way they see fit. Period. Apple at least spells out that their use etc is directly related to law enforcement, TOS violations, security/fraud/technical issues, and protection of rights and property.
Do you see this differently?
hayley williams paramore riotazentropy
Apr 21, 03:00 PM
I'm more interested in the price/performance improvements on the lower end. The entry level Mac Pro is simply a horrible horrible value in terms of price per performance. I don't care how wonderful the build quality is or what other "features" it has, a $2500 system should have more than 4 DIMM slots and better than a under $300 CPU.
hayley williams hot picturesquite right... no xserve is FUBAR.
Williams currently dating withMachead III
Sep 16, 06:58 AM
MacBook please.
THANK you, Hayley Williams.What is your source for this information?
Apple keynote and NDP survey.
HOT maybe hayley williams,[QUOTE=ebuc]
Personally, I think its about time we have a major case revision. The aluminum PowerBooks have been out for almost three years (september '03 I believe). Don't get me wrong; current design is great: its functional and elegant, but change has to come eventually.
Agreed!... But so far anytime that topic is brought up, you know what alot are saying? They say "why fix a good thing, if it isn't broken."
If they just refined it at least. You know added magnetic latch and some other stuff...
Hayley Williams is a hotI seriously doubt that this will happen. ARM processors will never be able to compete with even AMD processors, let alone Intel processors. Leave ARM where it belongs. In the tablet/ultra portable market.
Hayley Williams, Josh Farro,Free services are worth every cent you pay.
For those that whine about the price just try to get a legitimate IMAP email service for under $100 a year. Gmail and hotmail don't count, as by legitimate I mean that your address doesn't automatically make people think of SPAM. Free email equals source of SPAM.
Added all up and mix in its integration with Mac, Iphone and iApps Mobile me is a steal at less than $6 a month.
Oh and a two letter email address is priceless.
Now if they just made syncing and find my iPhone free with the full service as an paid upgrade. sort of a freemium model. that could work.
Apr 9, 07:38 PM
Because there is no operand between the 2 and the (9+3).
And I agree, this is the most nonsensical thread in some time.
God bless diversions. :D
lol but still, order of operations tells you that the parentheses is done first. Wanna bet how many pages this gets up to until it dies? lol
Apr 26, 02:43 PM
And there's a huge difference between a 17" Macbook Pro and a 11" Macbook Air.
But they both get counted as laptops, don't they?
And what's your reasoning for why iPods don't get counted here? Because they don't have monthly contracts? How does that make sense? Should we only count iMac sales if they're hooked up to a monthly ISP or something?
Think about this.
People didn't argue that the iPod or the iPad should be counted until Android smart phones started to get really close and then overtake the iOS smart phones.
You can demand that they should be counted, but everyone will know the real reason for it.
Don't panic
Apr 11, 07:45 AM
Yes, because the uninitiated that claim this is ambiguous keep popping up. Oh wait...
If you read it as anything other than a division, you need to go back to school.
Only for those with a lack of understanding of basic math. Again, the problem is not the equation per say, it's the people that don't understand mathematics.
Mar 30, 07:31 PM
I can confirm that Preview 2 works w/ the 2011 MBPs.
is TRIM working w 2011 mbp's?
Here is how I grade the Car Kit (1-10):
Mounting: 8
Rotation: 7
Articulation: 3
Hands-Free: 4 (Weak, speaker is facing away from you, VOX'ing problem)
GPS: 6 (Only very slightly better that the built in GPS)
Compatibility: 3 (Can't use iPod Touch)
Bluetooth: 2 (Phone will not pair until docked, can't pair with other devices)
Overall it's a $79.00 retail mount with a questionable hands-free, only a small incremental change in GPS accuracy and a useless bluetooth implementation. I'll give it a generous 5 out of 10 for now.
Nice review, and thanks. It sounds like you might have gotten a unit that is sub par. The rotation and articulation of the car kit in many of the Youtube videos seems very tight, very solid with strong mounting. Did it just loosen up over that short time or did it start out not so great? Maybe send it back?
I thought I remember reading that the Handsfree Bluetooth is duplex so I'm also not sure where your issue comes from. That said, I may get that as a separate item on the visor of my car if its below quality. I have another car with a BluAnt unit in it and its terrific.
Also, there are now several places where you can order the car kit for much less money. I have an order into BTL for $87 which sounds like a more reasonable price for the unit. I'm sure it will continue to drop.
Thanks again!
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