lt;gt;. Call Of Duty - ModernKindredMAC
Jul 30, 02:20 PM
Blah Blah Blah..... how many times are we gonna hear about this elusive Apple iPhone???????
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Mar 26, 10:03 PM
Fall iPhone 5?
Please no!
Bad Company 2 Hack CheatApple is being more directly compared to Dell and such these days since they are running Intel chips. And the PC makers are going to put those processors in their computers as soon as they can. If Apple doesn't want to look like they are behind in the times, they have to put these processors in also.
Do you really think Dell will put merom in ALL laptops and not use yonah at all? I doubt it. Yonah will likely always be cheaper and we'll probably see it for a while in budget laptops. I could see yonah either staying in macbooks for a bit, or staying in the base model only (or even a special edu config like the iMac has).
MacBook and MacBook Pro are soldered. So no, you can't change it.
The iMac and MacMini are socketed.
And the Pro. :)
Are there any benchmarks for the Core 2 Duo chips? What would we be getting from the upgrade?
Supposedly about 20% faster at the same clock speed, plus they are 64 bit, but the benefits of that in these machines is somewhat debatable. It's a nice upgrade, but not a huge one.
Quite incorrect actually. The dfifference is not minimal and this isn't just a "speed bump". If you read up on the Yonah and Merom chip architectures, you'll see that that Merom has significant architectural improvements over Yonah, including a 4MB L2 cache and most notably 64-bit support over Yonah's 32-bit support. This is very significant since Jobs is pushing Leopard and its 64-bit goodness. :cool:
But that "goodness" mostly looks like greater memory access, which is a moot point in a machine with two ram slots. Most of the "goodness" isn't anything a laptop user will notice.
Bad Company 2 Hack / Cheat / Aimbot / Wallhack / ESP Battlefield Hax. Apr 26, 2010 1:49 PM. Here you see the best Bad Company 2 Hack on the market We neveragreed, the keyboard would look FUGLY.
couldn't have said it better myself. haha.
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Apr 18, 09:20 PM
You clause is a great idea, but we all know that taxes never go away.
You might need to question that notion, considering that Americans today are taxed at the lowest level in over 50 years.
From the Orange County Register, April 17, 2011 ...
Taxes reach historic low (http://www.ocregister.com/news/-117079-ocprint--.html)
For the past two years, a family of four earning the median income has paid less in federal income taxes than at any time since at least 1955, according to the Tax Policy Center. All federal, state and local taxes combined are a lower percentage of per-capita income than at any time since the 1960s, according to the Tax Foundation. The highest income-tax bracket is its lowest since 1992. At 35 percent, it's well below the 50 percent mark of much of the 1980s and the 70 percent bracket of the 1970s.
So let me recommend something. It's basically a reversal of your clause. The clause would allow a taxation adjustment (which would be predetermined) once 20% of spending has been cut (or some other amount).
I could go for something along those lines too.
ILLUSION-HACKS Battlefield Bad Company 2 VIP Hack Cheat Aimbot. Jun 14, 2010 1:54 AM. The ILLUSION-HACKS Battlefield Bad Company 2 Multihack 100% UndetectedLegendKillerUK
Mar 28, 10:26 AM
How long did Apple spend announcing the iPhone 3GS at WWDC in 2009? It was about 15 minutes at most. If the next iPhone is only a slight bump like the 3GS was then that's all the time and attention that needs to be given to it.
COD MW2 wallhack aimbot radar multihack 100% undetected. Order: Reorder; Duration: 2:03; Published: 29 Apr 2010; Uploaded: 03 May 2010Thanks for the tip. How do you feel about the speaker volume on the unit for calls so far? Also, do the navigation instructions come through the car's speakers at all?
I'd still be curious to see how it looks when stuck to the windshield. I've heard some say that it's too hard to see on the windshield.
Mounting it horizontally on the lower left corner of the windshield, near the steering wheel, works pretty good for me. Good visibility and more importantly you don't loose site of the road ahead. Try it.
BF Bad Company 2 Aimbot + Wallhack Undetected 2010. BF Bad Company 2 Aimbot + Wallhack Undetected 2010. 0:53. Features: * Asus Wallhack * Vehicle ChamsAnnual revenues:
Apple - $65.23 billion (2010)
Samsung Electronics - $117.4 billion (2009)
Revenues are equal to zero if not associated with costs. Give us the profit figures. :D
2:46. Download Link: tinyurl.com Working andUndetected Aimbot Download PC Crossfire Hack Online Aimbot NEW 2010 Works in ALL Game Modes AimbotMoving away from Intel in their notebooks and desktops would be a HUGE mistake in my opinion. Intel is the big dog and they have the resources to keep innovating.
Intel has been a Microsoft bitch for the past twenty years and it shows. They did everything they did to keep the 8086 instruction set running for every piece of screwed up DOS code written by guy with more karma than formal CS educations. From that, they have not been able to shuck the old binaries and move on. Win7/64 did a good job shucking the Win 3.1 binary instruction base but it is too little too soon. Short Intel stock long term, you will do well IMO.
I guess if they plan on making everything iOS then it makes a little more sense, but for true blue OSX machines Intel has the muscle.
You been drinking the Santa Clara kool-aide too much. ARM has been good at forcing app developers to recompile for the latest instruction set and dumping on old binaries. Apple sees this trend as healty. We will see a version of XCode with a target for iOS 7 running on laptops / set top media and consuming one tenth of the power as they are now with a daylight readable 24-bit color display running full video.
Apple is good kicking the third party developer base in the ass and telling them to rev their code. Wintel machines have been way too servicing toward old binaries that too many customers are too cheap to upgrade. But then, that is the mediocre / anal customers which Wintel sells to.
Better money is out there.
Aimbot; Aim prediction; ESPmacrumors12345
Apr 26, 02:48 PM
The "overall user base" and "purchases from Sept-to-March" numbers are primarily pre-Verizon iPhone and thus provide little insight on current sales. However, the survey on consumers currently planning to buy smartphones is quite interesting as it confirms the (very limited) existing data on current sales.
From the all the hit counter data, plus VZW and ATT quarterly releases, my best guesses for *current* iPhone vs Android sales have been roughly:
ATT: iPhone outsells Android 4-to-1 (80% iPhone)
VZW: iPhone outsells Android 2-to-1 (66% iPhone)
Sprint + T-Mo: Android outsells iPhone infinity-to-1 (0% iPhone)
Each group above has roughly one-third of the US mobile market, so overall iPhone share should be 0.33*0.8 + 0.33*0.66 +0.33*0 = 48%. This is exactly the number from the Nielsen survey regarding consumers currently planning to buy a smartphone (30% iPhone vs 33% Android = 47.6% iPhone share).
Xero|Hawk COD4 Hack for PatchCavepainter
Mar 29, 09:40 PM
I really do like the concept of having an enormous amount of online storage, immediately accessible from anywhere.. but ultimately I see this as an issue of me having to pay someone else for granting access to things I already own.
Do you like paying a fee to your bank when you take out YOUR OWN MONEY from the bank? Your bank says its because its a "convenience", which of course it is....but when I have to pay them money to get something that is mine, I have a problem with that.
Remember when television was free? We just had to put up with advertisements, and for that, we got free TV. Now many people pay 79 bucks a month or more to get cable or satellite TV. Time have changed. Now we are paying alot of money just to get tv, something that once was free of charge. Oh, yeah, and we still have ads. Funny how that works.
Of course companies like Amazon and Apple are not in it for your convenience, they're in it because if everyone eventually has all their files stored online in the cloud, there's TONS and TONS of money to be made- for ever. If I have a computer, phone or music listening device with ample amounts of storage space, these companies don't make any money off of me after I purchase that music from itunes or wherever. (And if I have cds or blu ray movies, they don't make any money on me at all). This cloud concept provides some convenience, but more importantly guarantees a steady flow of income for these companies for many years to come.
Flash memory storage capacities are growing yearly.. and prices are continuing to drop. Now companies are starting to ship secure digital cards with capacities of a staggering 128 GB on a tiny compact flash card! Ultimately I think most people will be able to have enormous amounts of files locally on their own phone or portable computer.
Posted by Hacks at 2/08/2008mrsir2009
Apr 21, 02:37 PM
FINALLY some Mac Pro updates!
About MW 2 Cheats middot; SitemapDoes this mean I shouldn't bother installing Sophos for my mpb?
So many conflicting opinions.
Some think, including myself, that AV software at this point in time does not provide very much extra protection so using AV software is just a waste of system resources.
But, I use ClamXav anyway given that it uses very little cpu cycles. ClamXav does fail to release RAM after a scan but should give up those resources if needed by another process. ClamXav only chronically uses these resources if you set up the Sentry. If the Sentry is not used, then it only uses resources during an on-demand scan. On-demand scans can be set to run automatically at a specific time via the ClamXav UI that adds the scan settings to cron. ClamXav gives you more options related to how it will take up resources. Other AV software, such as Sophos, for Mac includes full on-access scanning that doesn't give you choice in how resources are used by the AV software.
I use AV software to prevent accidentally spreading Windows malware to Windows users. There are trojans for Mac OS X but these can be easily avoided by not password authenticating install prompts that you have not explicitly initiated (double clicked), not installing pirated software, and not installing free software from untrusted sources. Also, Mac OS X, as of Snow Leopard, includes a basic AV scanner that detects these trojans when you attempt to install the malware.
Do not run AV software if you do not want to give up resources to most likely only prevent the accidental spread of Windows malware, such as by forwarding an infected email. Or, run AV software most likely for little benefit to yourself. Additionally, ClamXav does include new definitions for Mac malware a fair bit of time prior to those definitions being included in XProtect (the AV scanner in Snow Leopard). Also, XProtect can not be used for an on-demand scan to check for malware after it may have been installed, so AV software may give you peace of mind if you do not feel comfortable not having AV software on your system.
About COD MW 2 CheatsAs a side note a AMD3500/6800GT combo will still hammer the base unit in Doom3:p
The real question, however is, who even cares about Doomed III?
I surely don't hope you buy a Mac Pro to play that awful game . . .
The base unit will hammer the AMD Athlon64 3500+ into the ground in everything else ;)
trainers or hacks pm me.Apple's got their hands down Intel's pants as well, don't forget that. Who has exclusive rights to Thunderbolt for now, and early access to the Z68 chipset? That's right, Apple.
Sure, they may be investing in ARM, but to switch architectures again and piss a lot of people off in the process, I think not. I'm saying it's vaporware until ARM delivers with better processors that they have promised (remind you of the 3GHz promise with the G5?) Even at that, they would have to beat Intel, who has better experience, reputation, resources and establishment.
Cod amp; CoDUO CVAR Cheater v2I don't want more people bogging down the system. I want them to improve their mail service with tagging, grouping and searching options. Oh, and I want .mac back! :)
[Undetected] www.What's your source? Every rumor site I've seen (and especially Appleinsider, which has the best record lately) says sales.
I'd tell you but then i'd have to kill you.
rated aimbot hacks!shelterpaw
Aug 2, 11:30 AM
what about people who work in environments where you can't have cameras (i.e. some pros) what about people who have dual monitors etc...I can't see it being feasible. Just disable the ones who are not suppose to have them. Company policy. Dual monitors, well then it's either a wasted expense or it could be a feature. :P
You set the hack up bySo Steve is saying there is no database of locations? Thats just an outright lie.
there's a big difference between the device knowing where it is/has been and that information actually being uploaded to "the mothership".
Saying happy employees are good employees is an idiom, like a penny saved is a penny earned.
Thank you for the English lesson. If I ever find myself in Arizona, I will be sure to enroll in your class.
I was at a local apple store and they are selling the tom tom car kit already. What a rip off, because you have to pay for the app seperate. I got the griffin car mount for $20 at frys and the navigon app, works great.
If you have to pay the suggested retail price then I do admit its a rip off. However, you can get easily 20% off if you just shop around a little bit. Regarding the TomTom app I fully agree. I actually think its way bigger rip off then the dock.
"Intel Corporation today unveiled 10 Intel� Core� 2 Duo and Intel� Core� 2 Extreme processors for consumer and business desktop and laptop PCs..."
The article later goes on to show the advantages of the Mobile PC Processor.
Merom is officially announced. They just don't say Merom.
You win that one. :D Although I cannot find the product page for laptop Core 2 Duos, only those for the desktop.
Mar 27, 03:57 AM
If theres no announced release date it can't be delayed. It would just be later than usual. Thats not the same thing. I'm all for waiting. The longer I hang on to my 3GS the more reason I have to upgrade. Just hope It doesnt break so I can sell it to help cover the cost.
Mar 28, 09:59 AM
Seems nonsensical that people are interpreting the annoucement as foregoing iPhone5 reveal...
The conference is a week long event and the opening keynote sets the scene for whatever focus it is but overall its a one hour presentation to kick off not the whole damn thing
Just because the focus is iOS/OSX for the conference doesn't mean Apple will stray from an established release cycle and do the simple reveal .... they simply can't afford to with the market competition starting to get significant market share.
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