walt disney world magicMrCrowbar
Nov 23, 11:40 AM
You own Apple do you? My! You've kept a very low profile!
Besides that he probably is, good one geese. :p
Pictures of Cakes from DisneyWhy migrate at all? Why not support both architectures? They do now. Intel for the high performance guys and ARM for the cheap and easy guys.
The iPad is already positioned as a notebook replacement for the light web surfing, e-mail, e-Book crowd. An ARM based "executive" laptop that extends this for presentations, light document work, etc is just plain obvious.
Castle cake with custom freshHildron101010
Mar 30, 08:11 PM
The new iCal is hideous. This "metaphor" crap is awful, and reeks of Mac OS 9. Make things look sleek and modern like the new Mail app, please.
But the new Mail app follows the same metaphor. I think the new iCal looks pretty nice. Especially in full-screen mode.
magic kingdom castle suite.MattSepeta
Apr 14, 04:33 PM
I think we can all agree that there is a lot of waste in government. The fact is, a lot of it is hard to find. At this point in our financial situation, I agree with across the board cuts. After that, then you continue to cut, where it makes sense, surgically.
Yep. If you are 600lbs overweight, you can afford to (and certainly should) cut fat from your head to your toes. Don'[t cut your head OFF, simply trim it.
Not hard to understand.
Multi vampier kingdom filled with laughter, a princess and arethey Fromthe magic kingdom iconic fairy-tale fortressgorgeousninja
Apr 20, 09:01 AM
Now I will celebrate a change of brand while Jobs and company hunts for answers. :)
If buying a different brand of phone means you wont feel the need to come on these boards telling everyone how bad Apple are, then you definitely wont be the only one celebrating....
Al together now.. Hip Hip Hip .... Hooray!!
What did Cinderella#39;s CastleOk, I'll try this question, which is a fair question...............
Everyone says again and again, Apple does not aim for the high end.
If we put Mac Pro's to one side as they are the proper PC's of the Apple Mac world.
Let's speak about iMac's
They are Apple mass consumer, man/woman in the street computers.
They type of customers who just want to enjoy their computer and be able to get the jobs they want done in a nice and easy way.
I think that's a fair statement.
Also, as has been said, over and over and OVER again, these customers, that the iMac's are aimed at, are not Nerds, Not Tech Freaks, Not spec junkies.
They are just normal people who probably don't want to be worried about specs and to be honest as long as it looks nice and moves smoothy on screen, don't care what's inside the case.
Given this. If these "typical consumers, who don't care or really know about specs" are today, looking at their current 1920x1080 screens, or 1920x1200 screens, and they cannot see the individual pixels from their normal, let's say two feet away viewing distance, then what on earth would be the point in increasing costs, and slowing down an iMac by lumbering it with a higher resolution screen?
What is the point, for these consumers, to increase the screen resolution when they can't make out the individual pixels currently?
What was the point in bringing retina display to the iPhone? :)
Same thing I guess...
For one I want it, it is very kind on the eyes...
disney princess castle cakeI like to think of this like this:
You(apple) mow your lawn nice and neat and your heading inside when your neighbor(Toyota) starts mowing his lawn and the dead grass sprays on you nice lawn so you go and ask him if he would stop spraying grass on his lawn and as the neighbor are you going to no to him and continue spraying grass on his lawn probably not because then you(apple) and your neighbor(Toyota) then have hard feeling.You may sound like the bad guy but you don't want dead grass on your lawn. And if he did say no the his lawnmower(car) need some gas(iPod connectivity) your not going to want to give it to him.
I think of it like that
Disney Princess Castle CakeJoshuarocks
Apr 21, 09:31 PM
doubtful, this is a key switcher market... it would be crazy to axe the very thing that will continue to switch the PC builders/gamers over the next 5 years... this is a key ingredient to apple taking the industry over with time.
I think the iMac will take care of gamers and builders.. the mac pro is NOT a gaming device, it is a high class workstation that is designed for use with using and manipulating multi-threaded pro and audio apps.. Personally, I could care less about a new case design.. right now I just care that I can prolong the 6-core machine I have now.. and for my purposes, which are far and few between, the 6 core does everything I throw at it for a DAILY, email based machine.. I use it for dvd encoding, NO VIDEO EDITING(this area does not interest me one iota). If anything, i would use it for photography and everyday stuff, such as internet surfing, researching, writing books, etc.
I only got this for its expandability, as I despise an all in one machine like the iMac - if the screen goes, the whole thing needs to be replaced or repaired.. all in one desktops such as the imac are a dead end as one can't upgrade the processor easily if not at all..
Everyone please excuse me for my attitudes, I am going through a real tough time right now and have 103 temperature at the moment.
MAGIC KINGDOM CASTLE 6 SIXYou can't do video or audio chat with Adium, and won't be able to for a year or two at least. :(
I'm just hoping for some official support sooner or later with iChat or the official standalone clients. :)
How is iChat actually? Ya know? Compared to MSN? I discussed it with someguy yesterday, ironically over MSN:p , and he said Adium is better... How is the GUI and also userfreindlinesses?:)
MAGIC KINGDOM CASTLEOk...and the MSRP for that phone would be 800 bucks with a 10 year contract with cingular.
People need to realize that apple products are somewhat overpriced so I can see a great apple phone with great features but with a contract the phone is going to be extremely expensive.
Nokia already has phones (their N series (http://www.nokia.com/nseries/index.html?lang=en&country=US#product,n93)) capable of 640x480 30fps vid at $800 unlocked. I don't see an Apple Phone with these capabilities being THAT much more and certainly cheaper if Apple is the provider for the phone service as some people are speculating.
Magic Kingdom - CastleI hope the 2.33GHz processor comes standard in the 17" since it�s the highest-end model...:D
And here she is w/ herGeekLawyer
Apr 18, 03:02 PM
Here we go again! Stupid Lawyers :(A lawyer is only as "stupid" as her client.
Wilton Enchanted Castle Pan. Price: $12.99. Sale Price: $11.79Don't panic
May 4, 04:38 PM
Actually, I can answer a few of those questions.
The villain isn't given any points prior to the start of the game, so as of round 1, he has 2 turns (points). There are no monsters nor traps pre-placed in the mansion.
As for the price-list and stats, that's secret.
thanks! that's most useful.
given this, mscriv can have so far only two points (but no placed traps/monsters) or 1 point and then place a 1-point trap/monster
assuming that there are both 1 point traps/monsters, if he put a trap, we can easily neutralize it, if he put a monster and we stumble on it, it has to be a lowly worm, so we are sure to kill it and move up one level, with the unfortunate and notable exception that one of us would be randomly killed.
so far is 2 votes to go forward. beatrice, dante?
3 now.
And goodness, Beatrice makes me feel like I'm 100 years old.
to my and Jorah's kin, 100 is barely of age :D
castle at Magic Kingdom.iCal has been visually overhauled to look like the iPad version
Very nice! I feel iCal was looking rather bland and needed some oomph.
Castle Cake: baked, layeredSo I thought... Would apple release a phone-only? No chance. It will most definitely have music features including wireless downloads from the iTMS (including a way to put the songs on your computer)... If this rumor is true of course.
My hope is for the phone to work on the Nextel / Sprint network not just because I have a Nextel, but because they have had time with their walkie-talkie feature, and I'd imagine that that would benefit the use of something like iChat over the phone.
Ah well, only a little over a week till the big day!
3rd Birthday Castle Cakebastienvans
Mar 30, 06:10 PM
I sure hope so, downloading now to try but it's coming rather slowly...
Keep us posted!
looking castle cake forDon't panic
May 4, 11:52 AM
Don't make me turn you into a mouse.
If i remember right, last time you tried we had to take you to the White Witch of Cupertino Mountains to get rid of your tail...
Wedding Cakes - Briar amp; Whiteslackintosh
Jul 30, 09:53 PM
As the previous post states, the typeface of that add should have caught anyone, apple undertook a subtle identity change around the time it introduced G4 ibooks, most significant was a change in typeface.....
I think the rumour is nothing but a rumour, wasn't it a similar mysterious source who mentioned to a gas station attendant the pending arrival of 42" Plasmas or some $#!+???
disney world magic kingdomjoeboy_45101
Jul 29, 10:03 PM
This sounds cool. Initially, though; I was kind of turned off by the idea of Apple doing a cellphone.
Unfortunately, I'm pulled back into thinking, "What could Apple do with phones that hasn't already been done." Small, light, photos, video, internet, music, games, personal organization? Most of this is pretty well covered with the current offerings. So what is going to be the selling point here? Is it going to be expensive or affordable? Is it going to be full-featured or bare bones?
Android phone owners are iPod owners (at least most are)
Apple's not selling it's 9/10M iPods a quarter to iPhone owners.
Apple gets your money anyway. Why not just buy an iphone and combine purchases?
Free phones are great but not when you buy a 200 dollar iPod anyway.
Buy a 200 dollar iphone and call it a day.
Can you give the non-storybook reason for why he died and what actually happened?
Couldn't they have people use their iTunes account?
remember not everybodys itunes account is an email address, for use with ichat etc
when setting up a mac, I got an Apple ID(which is my itunes account) and its just a username not an email address
Apr 26, 04:19 PM
I didn't need to google, that's something I know.
Which you obviously didn't since your argument was why Apple should worry about their market share when Ferrari and Porsche aren't. They should just continue to make exclusive products.
I bet they worried right up and until they got bought by a company that didn't worry about making cheaper products.
Re-Read your Porsche history.
Your understanding of the Porsche / VW relationship is backwards. It is Porsche that owns a stake in VW, not the other way around.
Even if we take SJ at his word (stupid idea, I know). The fact remains that Apple does store the database of all your moves on the phone and PC for eternity thus preserving the capability to access it any time they want. This is clearly a very bad idea any way you look at it.
Putting on SJ hat:
"You are all idiots anyways"
Sent from my iPhone
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